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  • SA Moderator Application ~ Vashryl ~ [NOR]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Vashryl, Mar 27, 2016.


    Do you think that Vashryl should be a Moderator?

    1. Yes

      8 vote(s)
    2. Eh'

      1 vote(s)
    3. No

      5 vote(s)
    1. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Desired server to be mod on
      I wish to moderate the [Factions] server

      How old are you?
      I am currently 15, however I will be 16 in May

      Your in-game name:
      However, I used to go by the username 'xeeveexx'

      What country do you live in?
      Norway [UTC +01:00]

      What languages do you speak?
      I am fluent in English, and I am able to speak Norwegian

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      Now, I have a small issue with answering this question, as I am not skilled at appraising myself. Even though the question states "Why do you think", I asked some people for their objective appraisals, as well as my own thoughts on myself. (It wasn't the easiest thing, as I didn't want to push them for it)

      Atlas.png '
      - Positive Traits -

      Good Humor
      Minecraft is a game that is made to be entertaining, and for it to be entertaining, shouldn't it be fun? When it comes to this concept, having a good humor will make the game more enjoyable for the people with the humor, as well as the people around that person. For this reason, having good humor is beneficial as it offers all around more enjoyment to all parties involved.

      When looking for someone to guard players, and their interests in a game, who need a person who the players are willing to put their faith in. If a moderator was not trustworthy, then they would easily abuse their privileges and cause havoc for the players that were trying to enjoy the game.
      However if the players trust the moderator and what they are doing, they will be more likely to report the people causing trouble, as they will have more faith that their requests will be fulfilled.

      When it comes to this point, you can reference the previous point about the the players wanting to be able to trust the mod. This point also goes hand in hand with 'Good Humor', as being kind is something that will make the game more fun for those surrounding the kind player.

      When it comes to being fair, this point is also connected with the concepts brought up under 'Trustworthy'. In order to maintain a balanced server where the players are able to enjoy themselves, the mod needs treat all of the players the same. If a moderator is not fair, ze will pick favorites among the players and will protect them for punishments. By doing this, ze making the server less enjoyable for all other players by keeping someone around who should be gone.

      If you want to be able to treat the players of a server with kindness, you have to be patient when dealing with them. A mod who is not patient will push off the players who come for them for aide, which will make them unable to fulfill the responsibilities that they received when becoming a guardian of order on the server.

      Within a server, all players should be treated the same. However this is something that is harder to show then the other traits. It is something that can also be difficult in itself. Being respectful allows the players to enjoy the player more, which in turn will link back the concepts of 'Trustworthy' and 'Kind'. Being respectful is just as important as these, as even if the mod is kind and trustworthy, if ze is not respectful, it becomes hard to enjoy their presence.

      How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      This can vary, as I am still in school. For this reason, the amount of time I can spend will depend on how much work I have to do.
      However, I can give an estimate on how much I will be able to play
      Weekdays: 4 hours
      Weekends/Vacation: 6-8 hours

      [I have received the comment "Do you ever log off?" a few times]

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      Now this is something I am unsure of, after some looking I was unable to find a counter anywhere that could tell me, but had been playing for about a month before the rank Titan had come out.
      By my estimates, that is a little over 2 years.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      In order to answer this, first I must tell a story.
      (You don't have to read it, but it's an interesting read, as well as helps convey my message)

      From afar she would see the smoke rising from the town, with the houses giving off a red glow, as if they were lightsticks on a dark night. She covered ground quickly, hoping that by the time she arrived, it wouldn’t be too late.
      As she entered the town, all she could could see were burning houses and bodies, each one cut with a single mark, each one proving fatal. Seeing this made her feel sick to her stomach, and the desire to turn and run was overwhelming. However, she would not be deterred. Dashing down the previously prosperous streets, stepping round bodies, trying to avoid the pools of blood, she made her way towards the town square.
      She arrived in the square, to a scene that looked like something out of a nightmare. Corpses of the dead, strewn as if a tornado had suddenly ripped through the center of the town, body parts laying meters from their bodies, with blood covering almost every inch, making a sloshing sound like stepping in a puddle whenever you tried to move.
      A man stood in the center of the town, the only one left alive after this massacre, and judging by his blood soaked cloths, the one who caused it.
      She approached slowly, with a vigilant guard, with the only sound she made being the drops of blood caused by her raising her boot, making their way back to the cobblestone foundations.
      The man made no signs of attack, nor any signs of movement whatsoever. As she got closer, she could make his features. His cold expressionless face, and eyes that made it seem as if there was no one ever left in the body, made him seem more dead than alive. His eyes seemed wet, as if he felt like crying but no tears fell. His posture slumped as if he had given up on life altogether.
      She let out a faint gasp as he vanished from view, instantly raising her guard with the staff she carried. If she had been a second later, she would have been dead.
      He appeared in front her, his blade stained red with blood, colliding with her staff at such a speed, that it would seem impossible to see from an outside perspective.
      Metallic ‘clangs’ rang out through the square, as he viciously attacked at lightning speed. Striking from all angles, each blow aimed with the intent to kill. All she could do was defend, and if she had not watched him fight countless times before, her fate was sure to be the same as everyone else that had lived in this town.
      To her horror, her back collided with a stone wall, in her focus to defend herself, she hadn’t realised just how much she had back up, now unable to retreat any further, knowing that is was the end for her, a small smile crept across her face, and instead of trying to get away, in one fluid movement, cast away her staff and launched herself forward, covering the small amount of space the lay between the two combatants. Upon making contact with him, instead of trying to fight him, she simply embraced him, clinging onto him with all her strength.
      “Please come back” she whispered, tears streaming down her face.
      The blade that was swiftly making its way through the air behind her back froze, inches from her flesh. The hand that held it began to quiver.

      Looking up at his face, she could see tears starting to form in the corner of his eyes, and as is a dam had suddenly been broken, water flooding down his face.
      With a ‘clang’ the blade fell to the ground, as his body went limp in her arms, and they both slowly sank to their knees.
      She could hear his words, if only barely through the sobbing “I’m sorry... I’m so sorry” he repeated time after time, burying his face in her shoulder.
      “It’s alright now, I won’t leave you” she replayed, holding her embrace tighter.

      Despite his wishes, the man’s arm moved on its own, drawing the small dagger he kept at his side, and in a swift movement, embedding it in her stomach.
      Her frame went limp soundlessly, as she fell backwards, hitting the ground with a light splash.
      The color of her shirt started changing from the white it was made to be, to a dark red that slowly spread its way across her chest.
      The man leaned over her, horrified, with a look of anguish covering his face, his eyes gushing water, with his whole body shaking.
      She looked up at him with a sad slime, and spoke with a quiet voice “Don’t worry… I’ll always find you”. Before reaching upward to hold him in the last embrace she would ever feel.
      The world went dark for her, as her heart started beating slower and slower, until after a few moments, it fell completely silent.
      She fell without a sound from her embrace, only to be caught by the man before her fragile body would be shattered on the stones the waited below.

      He spent the next few hours with her now lifeless body, hoping that by some miracle she would come back. But fate was not kind, no matter how much he prayed or begged, she was now bound with the eternal slumber, never to once again wake.

      He had regained his sanity, but at what cost?

      This is a roundabout way of saying this:
      ' I loaned my account to my friend for a while, and when I came back I had been banned like 7 times, and it ruined my relationships and was very difficult to get myself unbanned. '
      But at last I achieved victory, and got myself unbanned!

      (The angering of mods, hacking, death warping, ban evading, etc.... Took place almost two years ago.)

      Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      A while back, I played on a medium sized server, not as large as Mineverse though. I started as a 'Helper', and worked my way up to 'Mod', from there to 'Head Mod', and I continued climbing until I reached 'Admin'.
      Sadly that server was corrupted and had to shut down.
      (I also ran a small server for a few months, but who hasn't?)

      Even with my questionable history, I hope that you seriously consider me for moderator ^.^
      Last edited: Mar 27, 2016
    2. Turks_Murk

      Turks_Murk Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Support <3 first one :O
    3. mitsu_san

      mitsu_san Active Member

      Jun 26, 2014
      Likes Received:
      SUPPORT ^.^
    4. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
      Likes Received:
      No support.

      • Be more active
      • Get a bit known
    5. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
      Likes Received:
    6. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Much effort put into this :)
    7. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Thanks! I try ^.^
    8. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I'm only applying for Factions moderator, but if I ever try to apply for global, I will make myself more well known. Thanks for the input
    9. Turks_Murk

      Turks_Murk Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      I do not agree with His not active his on everyday -_-
    10. Turks_Murk

      Turks_Murk Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Go to factions if you don't believe me.
    11. Resign

      Resign Experienced Member

      Feb 12, 2016
      Likes Received:
      Support, although I would like to see you a little more in - game. Good luck!
    12. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
      Likes Received:
    13. SpartanDoesPvP

      SpartanDoesPvP Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      *Mind Blown*
      Support, Good Luck
    14. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
      Likes Received:
    15. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Support, also you have to be global there is no Mod for only 1 server.
      -be more active on forums
      -be active on other gamemodes
    16. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Oh! I didn't realise that there are no gamemode restriced mods anymore. Thanks for the tip ^.^
    17. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
    18. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
      Likes Received:
      No support, leaning towards Neutral.

      Good things:
      • Great application
      • You seem to have a good bit of experience
      Improve upon:
      • Be more active forums/in-game
      • You don't know that Mods are global leading me to believe you don't have the knowledge of the server required for Moderator.
      • Make reports, it shows you want to help the server out.
    19. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
      Likes Received:
      It's been a while since I ran into any mods, they're a rare sight on factions. Because of this, I didn't know that mods are all now global ;3
    20. SpartanDoesPvP

      SpartanDoesPvP Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      This is also good because mineverse is looking for more EU moderators :) I think your chances are high :)

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