How old are you: I am 12 turning 13 Your in-game name: lrobbo What timezone are you in: GMT What country do you live in: The United Kindom What languages do you speak: English Why do you think you should become a mod: I think I should become a moderator to help out the server with HACKERS, they are one of the servers main problems, I have an Idea to go through all the "Mineverse Hacking Videos," then teleport to them and see if the recordings are true. I would be good at muted players who spam, advertise and say server threats, I would check the forums report part regularly to ban as many hackers I can. I would not abuse my powers and if I do, feel free to demote me. I am currently the rank god and quite familiar on the server. I am not hated by many players, most of them respect me. I think I would be a fantastic mod to the server and help out a bunch! I am willing to sacrifice my god rank for Mod because I really want to have the chance to help out the server! So that's why I think I would make a good member of staff. How long can you be active on the server everyday: I can play about 3-4 hours a day, even more on the weekend. How long have you been playing Mineverse: Round about 6 months. Do you have any past experience as a moderator: I have had some experiences of staff for helping out my friends little server.
Sorry no support, needs alot more detail, colour, and why you should you should be a moderator. I hope no grudges fall over this as I will support when (if) more detail and colour etc is added.
You are not hated by most players? You are hated by almost every player because the entire world knows you are Cammy74
please do not speak like that jarryonaples that was a very mean thing to say its a moderator application you are supposed to make him feel nice even if he hacks you could have at the very least said something nice like sorry i do not support my reason is you hack if you change your ways i will change my mind please next time think before you act