so my IGN was Im_a_Youtuber with my creative plot... i change my alts name to ExteriorCamping... i can still build useing ExteriorCamping but if i want to add my main account or anyone to the plot... i cant add em it says its not my plot... if i try to delete the plot to make a new one under my new MC name... it wont let me delete it... i need a mod to delete the plot so i can make a new one D: please help! Any suggestions?
You need to change your name back I think, a mod can't delete a plot but I am not sure, be sure to ask them.
first... Thanks for the quick reply! :D Seccond i cant change it back cuz then i got to wait to change my alts name back to Exteriorcamping... i mean head mods may be able to.. other wise an OPed player has to stand on my plot and do /plotme dispose then /plotme claim ExteriorCamping
The only way is to either change your name back to your old one. Or, you can email [email protected] and tell them the issue and it should be resolved within the week.
You're going to have to change you're name back, dispose your plot after 30 days of changing your name back, change your name back and then claim the plot again. Or, contact [email protected] with your old and new IGN, and the issue. Make sure to comment on your email every 3 days so your email stays on top of the queue and get Cyps attention. Don't overdo it though.
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: