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  • NA Legion's Moderator Application

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Syndicade, Mar 25, 2016.

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    1. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      [​IMG] [​IMG][​IMG]

      |Before Reading|
      After contemplating and reflecting upon my mistakes, I have made the ultimate decision to apply for moderator a second time. The first time I had applied was a dark time for me in my personal life, for I had been caught up on emotions and irrational thoughts. This was a time for which I had desperately wanted to help Mineverse and its community, yet did the exact opposite ultimately. I found myself caught in drama I had never truly wanted to create, and allowed my toxicity to empower me with hateful spite.
      With this said, I would like to reiterate my apologies. I must say I am still regretful of all I had done to this community and those who run it. I never wanted to harm anyone, especially those I care of on here. All I had ever wanted was to help, but instead I impacted this community negatively. Upon returning and learning from the mistakes I had made, things have gotten much better for me. I understand some still may be contingent of my actions some months ago, but I also want everyone to understand that I have changed. I have grown as a person, and have learnt a lot from the mistakes I’ve made. I aspire that anyone on here can put down any reluctance, and see the changes I have made since my return! :)

      Welcome to my second moderator application! If you already haven’t known, my name is Steve, or “Legionious.” If you wish to know more about me, feel free to read my original introduction to the Mineverse community here. :)

      |How old are you?|
      I am 17 years old.

      |What timezone are you in?|
      Eastern standard time (EST).

      |What country do you live in?|
      Born and raised in the United States of America.

      |What languages do you speak?|
      English, and a bit of Spanish.

      |Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)|
      I have many means at my disposal of capturing evidence. For recording video evidence, I use Open Broadcast Software. Typically I have my recording software set up so that I may record full gaming sessions, allowing the capture of multiple rule breakers.
      For editing and trimming my videos, I use Windows Live Movie Maker. Finally for uploading screenshots, I use a program called “Lightshot."

      |Why do you think you should become a mod?|
      I truly believe I have great potential to become a well fit moderator on Mineverse. All I've ever wanted to do was help benefit this community in some way, and express the true care I have for Mineverse. What better way to do so than have the rare opportunity to safeguard Mineverse from those who wish break to rules? Indeed, my care for this community extends far and wide. Even during the times when my mindset was shrouded in a cloak of misconception due to my stagnant emotions, I still could not foreshadow myself ever truly giving up on Mineverse. This community holds a special place in my heart, and I really do cherish all of those who make Mineverse a great community. I've actually taken the criticism I had received, and used that as a platform for me to mold myself into an improved person. I want to have the opportunity to be able to show this community my true potential. I would try my absolute hardest to benefit this community, and vow I'd stay true to my words. With this said, I believe I have many characteristics that make me the ideal moderator, and define truly who I am as a person.

      Friendly - If you ask any of my friends on here of me, this is likely the first trait that would come to their minds. Naturally, I’ve always been a very outgoing and social person. I love befriending people of all kinds, and enjoy conversing with others as often as possible. I make friends fast typically, and I express my care for those I consider a friend often. The idea of interacting and getting to know others as always been a popular one to me, and I do express this heavily throughout the Mineverse community.

      Honest - I was brought up at an early age to be as honest as possible throughout the duration of my life. I’ve learnt that with honesty comes respect from others quite often. Whether it comes to giving personal advice, or perhaps even giving constructive feedback, I’ve always given my honest word. An example of my honesty is when I make mistakes. I do not deny them, but rather admit to such mistakes and learn from them.

      Efficient - Another life moral I’ve been raised with is to be hard working. I do not expect to receive anything life if I do not work hard for it. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty to complete any task thrown my way, and this includes disposing Mineverse of rule-breakers. If I am given the obligation to ever moderate on Mineverse, I promise I’d let my efficiency show and work as hard as may be.

      Perceptive - It is critical for any staff member to have a good eye when it comes to spotting hackers. I have a keen eye when it comes to spotting various forms of hacks throughout the server. I am well acknowledged to hacks such as auras, fast bows, fields, crits, etc. Thanks to my prior experience staffing on Minecraft, spotting such hacks is not too difficult of a task for me to accomplish.

      Respectful - Alongside my honestly comes my respect. I respect everyone and their contrasting viewpoints on various topics and such.I have learnt that if you do not give others respect, do not expect the same in return. With this said, I prioritize that my respect is given to everyone who composes this community.

      - What’s a life worth living without having some fun? I love to brighten others people’s days with laughter and fun times. I love to joke around with my friends often, and fill my own life with humor. While I do enjoy to have a fun time, I can be serious when necessary. I’d never allow a fun time to distract me from my duties as a moderator.

      - I consider myself to be a very mature person, especially when needed. While I do often enjoy to have a fun time, I do not let this override my overall maturity. I know how to greet various situations accordingly. For example; if I was faced with a disrespectful player in-game, I wouldn’t rage or get upset with them, but would rather handle the scenario calmly and swiftly. Since I had decided to improve upon myself, I have realized that retaining maturity often prevails in many situations.

      Unbiased - If I was given the obligation to staff on Mineverse, I would eliminate any prior bias I may have had in the past towards friends. Just because a random player is hacking, doesn't mean my own friends can hack as well. The rules extend to everyone on here, and my friends aren't an exception to these rules. I would prioritize that ever very single punishment I would give as a moderator would be fair, and orderly. I would also never allow my contingencies against certain players refute my duties as a moderator as well.

      Acknowledged - When it comes to handling the job of moderating, I am well experienced. I know how to resolve numerous situations swiftly, and know what it takes to enforce the rules. I have acquainted myself with the Mineverse rules since my return, and know how to punish rule-breakers accordingly thanks to my prior experiences. I am also very familiar with the array of commands used by moderators on here, and know how properly ban rule-breakers.

      |How long can you be active on the server everyday?|
      During my first few months of playing on Mineverse, I was barely active and barely submitted any reports. I found myself so caught up on aggressively pushing my ideas of reforming the staff team upon the community. I inquired that some of the staff members during this time were inactive. Yet I also failed to notice that I, myself, was barely active on the server. I wanted to help Mineverse yet barely took any action in-game to do so. Such a passion drove me away from the community I had proclaimed I wanted to protect, yet convinced me that such activities weren’t even needed. This is why I had prematurely applied in December, unaware of my own failures and misconceptions.
      I’ve learnt that in order to truly bring about change and help Mineverse, I must be involved within the server itself. Since I have returned to Mineverse, I have made the decision to dramatically increased my activity in-game. I want to stick to the word I gave this community some months ago and help Mineverse. I enjoy being apart of Mineverse, and help trying to protect it from rule-breakers.
      Like other people on here though, I do have my own personal life I must attend to outside of Mineverse. On top of school I also work a part-time job four days a week. I vow that I will try my best to prevent school and work from interfering too much with my activity.

      Below are the times I can work per day in-game;

      Monday: 1-2 hours

      Tuesday: 2-5 hours

      Wednesday: 2-5 hours

      Thursday: 2-5 hours

      Friday: 1-2 hours

      Saturday: 2-4 hours

      Sunday: 2-4 hours

      - This time schedule is not permanent, and will likely expand when my school year ends this June.

      |How long have you been playing Mineverse?|
      I first discovered Mineverse when I reluctantly made the decision to rejoin Minecraft in the summer of 2015. During a long search through hundreds of Minecraft communities, I stumbled upon Mineverse on September 2, 2015, and joined the forums shortly after.

      |Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)|
      I have never been banned in-game as I’ve never broken any in-game rules before. However, I have received a few infractions on the forums. These infractions include the following:

        • Muted on the forums for 24 hours due to disrespecting a player.
        • Temporarily banned from the forums for 24 hours twice for rate abuse (the first time wasn’t initial, the second time was).
      I wouldn’t dare hesitate if I was given the opportunity to somehow warp back in time, and somehow revert the toxicity I had grown due to my personal issues. I had grown hateful and disrespectful to all I didn’t fully trust, and expressed this heavily. I have realized with such mistakes comes needed change. I’ve grown back into the person I truly am. The true me is respectful, optimistic, honest, and kind. I promise to all that I will never allow my personal strifes to warp me into someone I am not again.

      |Do you have any past experience as a moderator?|
      I have had a plenty experiences moderating over communities before over the years. I've owned a small server before, and had moderated for 5 months on a rather large server. The server I had moderated on in 2014 was truly the time I became an experienced moderator. The owners decided to promote to one of the highest staff ranks, after I had proved myself well. Unfortunately, I made the mistake one day of leaving /f bypass on, and unknowingly unclaimed an enemy faction's plot. Because of this I was demoted completely a week later, and received a nice little ban as well. I was crushed to say the very least. With this whole experience, though, I've learnt many things when it comes to staffing. I have also learnt from my mistake of accidental abuse, that I would never again make such a mistake as staff.
      I would like to thank everyone for reading my application, it means a lot. I am truly grateful for the journey I have had with this community so far. I do not want moderator solely for own ambitions of protecting this community, but also so that I may wholesomely express my care for Mineverse. I wish the best of luck to all of those who have applied, or are considering it.

      - S
      Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
    2. Malc

      Malc The Pro Moderator Premium

      Oct 10, 2014
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      Steve has plenty of experience with moderating as he has staffed on a fairly large server in the past, and from my knowledge, he did an amazing job during his time there.

      He's also very smart and knows a lot about everything, and he's more than willing to help everyone and anyone who needs it.

      He has much respect for the staff team and the rest of the community, and I know how badly he wants this position.

      I could go on and on but I am very tired at the moment </3

      I know that he can do great things for Mineverse, and all you have to do is allow him the chance. :- )
      Last edited: Mar 29, 2016
    3. Discdog1000

      Discdog1000 Well-Known Member

      May 1, 2014
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      Support <3
    4. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      Support, haven't seen you in-game yet though. Hopefully I will soon. :)
    5. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      You know my answer man.Full support.
    6. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Full support omg
      You're not only honest! but you can tell hacks and thats amazing :)
      I hope you get this position because I know for a fact you will do great things for MV! <3
    7. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      I have seen you in-game before, but you were AFK each time. ;-;
      Thanks for the support, though! :D
      Thanks <3
    8. seanrays

      seanrays Well-Known Member

      Sep 22, 2015
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      You know my answer.
      No support.

      Support <3
    9. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Legionious, you already know my response.
      You have gone through so much in the past, especially on the other server that you used to moderate on, and you have not yet lost your sanity. The fact that you still kept on going even when it was like the whole world was on your shoulders inspires me. There are so many reasons as to why I support you but I can only limit it to such a small response. You are kind, caring, helpful and most importantly, you have experience. You moderated on another server but was framed (In a way) and alienated, so you understand the expectations of a moderator, and hopefully you can bring your skills and expertise to another level.
      Good Luck Legionious, and God bless you.
    10. TADS

      TADS Guest

      I'm going to be honest here, so don't criticize what I'm saying.

      It doesn't matter how many words you use, or him sophisticated they are.
      The majority of the server is under 15, most not having a wide vocabulary range.
      The amount of words in an application shouldn't matter, yet it should. There is 'fluff' that you could edit out of your application. There are parts that could be edited to make it better.
      Just because it's long doesn't mean it's good. If you can get to the point in 500 words, do so. Don't try to stretch 500 into 1,000; it doesn't work.

      Make it concise and to the point; no need for any extra 'fluff' and word.

      No, I'm not supporting this app, or no-supporting it; just commenting that.
    11. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Words can't even express how much I support you Wolf, you've changed despite the past for now you've turned into a responsible, active and respectful person on the server and I would love for you to have that [Mod] tag <3 :)
    12. illUsi0nZ

      illUsi0nZ Active Member

      Jan 10, 2016
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      Support. Great variety of detail.
    13. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      One of the main complaints of my first application was that it wasn't detailed enough. So, I decided to make this app detailed and varied.
      I understand your point, though. I'll look into reducing some of the vocab I used tomorrow, thanks for the feedback. :D
      Thanks Sanity :)
      Thanks a lot reborn, you're great too :)
      Thanks Andrew! :D
    14. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      Didn't even read it, support
    15. ferras

      ferras Legendary Member

      Dec 31, 2013
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    16. ItsSniiper

      ItsSniiper Boss Member

      Feb 5, 2014
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    17. WhoDoesMinecraft

      WhoDoesMinecraft Active Member

      Mar 21, 2016
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    18. Ertuiop

      Ertuiop Well-Known Member

      Jan 23, 2016
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    19. Accepted

      Accepted Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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    20. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      No Support
      jk.... SUPPORT ALL THE WAY!!!! :)
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