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  • Why cant some people get banned for hacking?

    Discussion in 'Help' started by AliensCreatedUs, Mar 24, 2016.

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    1. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Ive been playing this server a long time, and I see hackers constantly.

      Many many people have been angry at hackers, yet they still get to play...

      I made a post about a hacker, and it got closed without any fix or discussion whatsoever. They said I need video proof...
      Why cant there simply be a staff member, with /tp and /invis to simply WATCH all these people hack, like on other servers?
    2. Silence

      Silence Experienced Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      There is.
    3. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
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      If you do not have proof of these hackers, we cannot do anything about it. For a tempban, we must have some sort of proof that they were indeed hacking. And the only way for that to happen is a video of the person hacking. The staff team cannot be on every server every second of the day. That is why we rely on you, the players, to help us out. You can do that by recording hackers and submitting the report here on the forums.
    4. Coastic

      Coastic Boss Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      The staff aren't robots, they do way more work than you think. Hackers are constantly being watched and reported, but there are constantly new people joining the server. If you find a hacker, simply record them and report it on the forums.
    5. djryan

      djryan Legendary Member Premium

      Feb 22, 2014
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      Here is a here is a crazyy idea dude. How about recording hackers and reporting them! It's pretty wild I know but it just might work.
    6. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      We could be robots, you never know :3

      This is true though.
    7. Cotner

      Cotner Well-Known Member

      Sep 15, 2015
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      There are many good pvpers out there that doesn't hack. Yet they do get hackusated
    8. StarQueenAlexia

      StarQueenAlexia Experienced Member

      Feb 22, 2016
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      HI, ALiensCreatedUS!

      First off you can message a mod in-game doing /staff and let the staff member know the player you think is using illegal hacking tools or breaking any rule of any sort!

      Second off: When reporting a player you need follow the guidelines which state, "You must provide evidence!"

      Hope this helps!
    9. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      I just love how the answer is "we cant promote people as staff, so we will let hackers go wild"

      Or "install some software thats gonna slow your computer down and record 24/7 until the day you get raided again which we know is rare but its ok cuz we dont wanna do our jobs"

      The only usable answer was from StarQueen, who said use /staff... which is a great answer! (besides the fact I see a huge list of staff... 28, and only ONE is online. Something wrong here.
    10. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      You clearly don't understand what we're saying here.
      We have amazing staff that work their butts off to help out this server, but then people like you don't even acknowledge that and start complaining and make a hate thread on the staff not banning hackers. Staff are not robots, they cannot be on 24/7 looking out for hackers and banning every single on that comes on the server. It is the players job to help the staff report hackers with valid evidence, as it makes their job so much easier.
      Seriously, I have no idea where you are getting this stuff, but it definitely isn't coming from here. If you do not wish to download a recording software, well don't complain that the staff aren't doing their job, because you aren't doing your part, at all. The staff get promoted because the Head-Staff feel like they would want to do this job, not be lazy and slack off like people who can't bother reporting offenders.
      Staff have lives, like you. They cannot be on all day, every day, banning/muting/kicking offenders on Mineverse. They need to do stuff outside of Minecraft, and they cannot always be on whenever you are on. This is where reporting comes in. You report people when Moderators are not online, so they can ban them later, when they CAN come on. It makes their job a whole lot easier and an offender is off Mineverse, to learn their lesson. If the whole server was to report offenders when they spot them, then there wouldn't be as much trouble makers as there is now at the moment.

      These threads are so frustrating, because people like you cannot see the hard work the staff put in every day, and how they struggle to put some time in to moderate this server. Then people like you are un-grateful and make threads like these when you aren't doing anything yourself.
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    11. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      I was a staff member on a very, popular server. I know exactly what it takes and what they do. Every single server Ive been on has like at least 5 staff on every single time I play (even tho now I only play mineverse). Thats because owners of servers know that staff have lives.... so they hire more.

      And yes im sure many people post like me, who are frustrated when their posts get closed and practically thrown away with literally zero dialogue and acknowledgement about the issue posted, which then lead me personally to ask a simple question. Saying "staff arent robots" is a blatant cop out to avoid the issue. Ive never been on a server where hacking wasnt taken care of practically immediately, literally WITH robots... (anti hacking software), or at least ONE staff on a day.

      I mean... did the person in my report even get LISTED as a potential threat to the staff...?

      Im presuming not.
    12. Torch

      Torch Builder Builder

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Looks like you've never used recording software before, mine basically sits and idles not recording until my useless (according to you) brain goes" Oh I'm fighting a hacker, better press my record toggle button so that I record this guy for like 1minute, loose like 5fps and go on with my day"

      Seriously though, we are a humans, we do things with our lives (that's why./staff isn't always full), personally I'm recovering right now from surgery. Also can you give proof of this 'popular' server you worked for..
    13. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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      Hello Aliens, I understand what you mean, but moderators do have lives too, they can not come online 24/7. If you see an hacker, you can report them, and a moderator will answer at it later.
      Moderators are just humans, like us, and have things to do in real life, that is the reason why the /staff list is never full, but they're trying there best to come online constantly and as much as possible, and they don't like people to rage at them because of there (in)activity.

      Also there are to much hackers that cant be spotted/recorded, so not all the hackers will be banned, but the community/moderators are trying there best to look at EVERY reports and handle it.
      People like you just do not have any experience of moderating an server like MineVerse, it is full of hackers which needs to be (permanent)banned, and the members can report them on the forums, and moderators will handle at it, that's everything moderators can do.

      Please do not rage at the moderators' work once again, it could hurt there feelings.
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    14. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Are we that popular server that you brag about? No. We may be entirely different so don't compare us to another server that may have different things to us. So please, don't mention any other server. Besides, where's the proof that you actually were a staff member of a popular server?
      Since when were peoples posts got closed with no dialogue/answers? What am I doing now? I am explaining to you how frustrating your posts are because all they show are supreme hate towards the server. Saying "staff aren't robots" isn't a blatant cop out to avoid the issue at all, it is just a simple fact to go against you saying "We need staff to be more active." You don't understand how difficult it is for Cypriot to be able to promote people who he can trust. You may have been a staff member, but not an owner.
      Yes, they do. They watch him to be on the safe side and not take any chances. Don't "presume" they don't when you have no experience as a staff member, on THIS server.

      Stop your disgraceful complaining and actually understand how hard the staff struggles to moderate and take care of this server, and take care of pointless threads like these.
    15. AliensCreatedUs

      AliensCreatedUs Active Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      I love how people go crazy cuz I simply ask a question lol, and how the same staff insults me and then says not to back myself up when I do.

      Thanks torchwood for the help :).
    16. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      Are you seriously going to go there? You should never have asked this worthless thread and hate on a staff member that did the right thing. As a staff member on another server you should know that you need evidence on a report, and not just ask a staff member to go to the gamemode. It doesn't work like that, and I expect you to know that.
    17. SSMH

      SSMH Legendary Member

      Jun 30, 2014
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