Through* And you have never known me. Just kidding you are a good friend. I said that already. Again, I have no idea what that means.
Where's mah special apology for what happened on skype? Kidding. Kidding. I accept your apology and hope we can be friends again. P.S Don't ever say that to me on skype again or I will NEVER forgive you.
Sorry. Skype doesn't work for me anymore. Plus you kind of blocked me and wouldn't answer my spam calls. I wonder why.
Seeing as people think you apology is fake maybe try writing something and saying sorry to more than a few people? From what it seems like you have hurt alot of people and if you take the time to type out an apology to more people and make it very sincere and not just say "I like being mean to you" or explaining what is going on a bit more people might be more forgiving. You might be able to earn back some friends this way...but it is just a suggestion. Good luck and I'm sorry to hear that you are going through stuff.
I understand that it will take awhile to earn forgiveness. It didn't insult me, I understand that you were only trying to help. Thank you.