District 1. @Duplexy as Duplexy (Female) @Bay_Leaf as Bay (Female) District 2. @Valixta as Valix (Female) @Ares as Chain (Male) District 3. @Legionious as Legion (Male) @Elrak as Elrak (Male) District 4. @MrPronounce as MrPronounce (Male) @Mvdi as Mvdi (Female) District 5. @Rodeenie as Rodeen (Female) @Flazer as Flazer (Male) District 6. @PastelLoser as Pastel (Female) @Scorvix as Scorvix (Male) District 7. @Alex as Alex (Female) @jarroy as Jarroy (Male) District 8. @StarQueenAlexia as Alexia (Female) @MissMisconceived as Cheetah (Female) District 9. @YRCassie as PiggyPie (Female) @DinoDuck as FlowerRanger (Female) District 10. @Jhow as Slothtastic (Male) @RebornWolf as Reborn (Male) District 11. @Diggy as Diggy (Male) @xXNitroPvPzXx as Nitro (Male) District 12. @Pile_of_Butts as Butt (Female) @TeamTyler as Tyler (Male) Spoiler: The BloodBath/Day 1 Diggy runs away from the Cornucopia. Alex runs away from the Cornucopia. Elrak runs away from the Cornucopia. Piggy Pie snatches a pair of sais. Jarroy runs away from the Cornucopia. Rodeen runs away from the Cornucopia. Reborn stays at the cornucopia for resources. Flower Ranger rips a mace out of Alexia's hands. Slothtastic and Tyler fight for a bag. Tyler gives up and retreats. Duplexy runs away from the Cornucopia. Butt runs away from the Cornucopia. Bay runs away from the Cornucopia. Mr Pronounce finds a canteen full of water. Ares runs away from the Cornucopia. Scorvix runs away from the Cornucopia. Cheetah grabs a sword. Nitro grabs a sword. Legion sets an explosive off, killing Flazer, and Valix. Pastel shoots an arrow into Mvdi's head. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Slothtastic sprains his ankle while running away from Cheetah . Piggy Pie defeats Alexia in a fight, but spares her life. Jarroy collects fruit from a tree. Tyler travels to higher ground. Duplexy stalks Bay. Diggy travels to higher ground. Alex bleeds out due to untreated injuries. Legion, Scorvix, and Rodeen successfully ambush and kill Pastel, Butt, and Ares. Flower Ranger spears Nitro in the abdomen. Elrak and Mr Pronounce split up to search for resources. Reborn dies from thirst. 9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Flazer District 5 Valix District 2 Mvdi District 4 Alex District 7 Pastel District 6 Butt District 12 Ares District 2 Nitro District 11 Reborn District 10 Spoiler: Night 1/Day 2 Alexia forces Duplexy to kill Diggy or Mr Pronounce. She decides to kill Diggy. Tyler defeats Rodeen in a fight, but spares her life. Jarroy overpowers Bay, killing her. Slothtastic is awoken by nightmares. Elrak begs for Flower Ranger to kill him. She refuses, keeping Elrak alive. Cheetah begs for Piggy Pie to kill her. She refuses, keeping Cheetah alive. Legion tries to sing himself to sleep. Scorvix questions his sanity. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Rodeen questions her sanity. Elrak attacks Legion, but he manages to escape. Alexia sets Flower Ranger on fire with a molotov. Cheetah receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. Mr Pronounce convinces Slothtastic to not kill him, only to kill him instead. Scorvix chases Tyler. Piggy Pie stalks Jarroy. Duplexy searches for a water source. 4 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Diggy District 11 Bay District 1 Flower Ranger District 9 Slothtastic District 10 Spoiler: Night 2/Day 3 Rodeen attempts to start a fire, but is unsuccessful. Elrak fends Cheetah , Duplexy, and Tyler away from his fire. Legion loses sight of where he is. Scorvix receives medical supplies from an unknown sponsor. Jarroy and Alexia tell stories about themselves to each other. Mr Pronounce cooks his food before putting his fire out. Piggy Pie dies of dysentery. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mr Pronounce travels to higher ground. Rodeen strangles Duplexy after engaging in a fist fight. Alexia questions her sanity. Scorvix is pricked by thorns while picking berries. Tyler begs for Legion to kill him. He refuses, keeping Tyler alive. Jarroy runs away from Cheetah . Elrak explores the arena. 2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Piggy Pie District 9 Duplexy District 1 Spoiler: Night 3/The Feast/Day 4 Legion climbs a tree to rest. Cheetah climbs a tree to rest. Jarroy cooks his food before putting his fire out. Rodeen and Alexia huddle for warmth. Elrak stays awake all night. Tyler kills Scorvix with his own weapon. Mr Pronounce screams for help. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The cornucopia is replenished with food, supplies, weapons, and memoirs from the tributes' families. Cheetah and Mr Pronounce track down and kill Jarroy. Alexia stabs Tyler in the back with a trident. Elrak tracks down and kills Legion. Rodeen decides not to go to The Feast. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cheetah kills Rodeen with a hatchet. Mr Pronounce discovers a river. Elrak receives a dildo from an unknown sponsor. Alexia receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor. 5 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Scorvix District 6 Jarroy District 7 Tyler District 12 Legion District 3 Rodeen District 5 Spoiler: Night 4/Day 5 Cheetah destroys Elrak's supplies while he is asleep. Mr Pronounce tries to sing himself to sleep. Alexia thinks about winning. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Elrak tries to sleep through the entire day. Alexia convinces Mr Pronounce to not kill her, only to kill him instead. Cheetah fishes. 1 cannon shot can be heard in the distance. Mr Pronounce District 4 Spoiler: Night 5/Day 6 Alexia destroys Elrak's supplies while he is asleep. Cheetah loses sight of where she is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cheetah repeatedly stabs Alexia to death with sais. Elrak dies from hypothermia. 2 cannon shots can be heard in the distance. Alexia District 8 Elrak District 3 Spoiler: The Winner The winner is Cheetah from District 8! Congrats to @MissMisconceived
I die in one day because of thirst.. Ok. I am Reborn so.. I think we should have an actual Hunger games tournament on the hunger games mini game, maybe for April