So I was wondering if there was any other way ,besides changing my name back to the previous name I had when i owned the plot, to get my old plot back. Old Name:Rainbowppls Also my friend can't build on my plot anymore even though i allowed him before i changed my name and he can't build on his own plot. he has never changed his name but still can't build on his plot. Name: unrbandedbard3
Email [email protected] and give them proof of name change and proof that you lost your plot. Or you can try and get a hold of Cyp Noob or Tannner in game but thats unlikely.
hi, YourDarude! Sorry you are having this issue really isn't anything you can do you can try contacting [email protected] like i said there isn't much you can do besides changing your name back to the original name. I believe the owner can't even fix this issue for you.
Like the others have already said, email [email protected] the issue at hand and they should get back to you within the week. Also, if you see either Cypriot or Tanner on then tell them the issue at hand and they should help you with it. Good luck ;)
You're going to have to change you're name back, dispose your plot after 30 days of changing your name back, change your name back and then claim the plot again. Or, contact [email protected] with your old and new IGN, and the issue. Make sure to comment on your email every 3 days so your email stays on top of the queue and get Cyps attention. Don't overdo it though.
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: