Alrighty then. Let's knuckle down. No procrastination! What's your favourite school subject and why? And also, what's your least? My favourite would be English because it's creative, but you don't have to be creative to be good at it Least favourite would be Maths, because your opinion doesn't matter and everything has a set answer who is either right or wrong. Farewell, Aragogs! Jess xox
I like Physics and Maths. As you can see, I am a math person :P However, I despite English for some reason...
My favorite Subject is: English My Reason: You get to read amazing books, do essays on them and occasionally watch a movie on the book! You also get to write stories which i love to do. My second favorite is: Science My reason: Because you get to play with chemicals and idk science just interests me. My least favorite: Math My Reason: Because i'm not smart lol.
Math. Favourite non-practical subject Just so detailed, and please try and name me one job you don't need math in? English. You'll see why. first off, my teacher is so annoying. secondly, why do we need english as a compulsory hsc subject (in australia)