So my friend (username-eliasdawalker) has Ben some what banned from the server it's been 3months from it basically he logged in to go to creative and it gave him a really long error message and it said nothing about getting banned I'll try to get him to send me a pic and I'll post it in the comments There's the error
Tell him to delete Minecraft off of his computer, and re-download it. If he for some reason doesn't know how, go to If this doesn't solve the issue, check if he's using the latest version of Minecraft and Java. Good luck!
This is most likely caused by a glitched block, I would recommend for him to but the free to back to spawn and clear inventory from the Mineverse shop. This should fix the issue
Read that it says "too long of a NBT tag". this means he has a hacked item in his inventory. @sheltiedude tell your friend try buying the clear inventory int he shop, its free. This should fix his problem.
To sum up what everyone has mentioned above, There is a hacked block or item in his inventory, so try clearing inventory from the Shop. If your friend has been banned, this won't be solved. He needs to appeal under the Ban Appeals section on forums. However, if this is an error, then try following the steps given by others above
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: