Duping doesn't work anymore whit hoppers!!!!!!! Now you have to click it whit your hand.. And you cant get a zero item because a chest has to explode!!!?
He's simply trying to tell you that you can't even place or do anything with hoppers.. if you don't like the fact that hoppers don't work then there's other servers. No need to get mad at players that are trying to help you. Hoppers are disabled
^ As has been stated on multiple occasions, hoppers have been disabled in Mineverse for the sole reason that they were used for duplication in gamemodes. Could you at least try to show some maturity while on the forums, or it'll be unlikely that people will take you seriously whatsoever. Petty insults aren't going to get you anywhere, just so you know.
Just understand what people are saying to you and don't insult them or anything like that when they are only trying to help you!
Don't be rude to people who are trying to help you. Heck, everyone could've ignored this but they decided to help you, so be grateful please. Like what everyone said, they disabled them due to a duping glitch which was badly ignored, and we don't want to take any chances and add them back.
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: http://www.mineverse.com/forums/help.10/create-thread