I'm bored so lets make a thread on what your pet peeve is. Now my pet peeve is when people are hypocrites. I'm sure all of you know what that means so I don't have to explain. Have fun and Enjoy
Well. When people have hoodies and they're half zipped Being ignored Not getting food at all times ;-; HYPOCRITES WTFWEOFJ When people take a huge bite from the middle of Hubba Bubba, like, there's strips for a reason.
People who walk slow or randomly stop. People who are condescending. Albeit, I do act like one sometimes e.e
This honestly irritates me so much. As soon as they text, I text back then they just suddenly disappear and don't text back for another 30 minutes. :eh
When people at your school literally stand idle in the middle of the hallway, and constantly get in your way... Or when people on Minecraft spam the chat with "EZ EZE EZEZEZEZ EZ," when they kill you after a 10M PvP match....
A pet peeve hmm I'd have to go with the sound of Styrofoam rubbing against something I really can't stand that :L