First off I'd like to apologize if this idea has already been requested, which I'm sure it has. I've been playing mineverse for almost two years now, Infection I started playing 1-2 Months ago. I've come across many maps where the zombie spawn point is easily on lower grounds, so the humans are able to shoot zombies, and not let them get anywhere. I don't think this is very fair.. Because it gives the humans a better advantage, especially with their OP bows. So my idea? Making it against the rules. How this will improve gameplay - - It will allow Zombies to have equal advantages/disadvantages as humans. - It will keep players from raging. - It will affect how easily players get xp, or win a game. - It will change how players use strategies, making them think more about the game. How This might make game play worse? - - Players may disagree with this rule, and continue spawn killing, causing punishments. - Players will level up slower, - Games will move on faster, which could be good or bad. All I'm saying, is that people being able to spawn kill Zombies, without the Zombies doing anything is quite irritating. As well annoying, I just don't think it'd be fair, or is fair in the Minverse community. Please leave your opinions below.
As much as I would like to say support, Neutral. Pros Less annoying for the zombs Fair and fun on both sides Less rage from immature and short tempered zombies. Cons Too many people who do it People will rage if they get kicked. (The OP people especially)
Support! This is such a problem and when you ask people to stop they are just rude. It can ruin the game if you can't do anything since you continuously keep getting killed before leaving spawn. I hope they make this a rule!
Neutral. MV has taken precautions for this by building spawn points where you can get out but not back in.