Hello! I recently changed my name and now on the chests in the survival gamemode marked [Private] still have my old name on them. Now I can't access any of the chests/items because they are all [Private] with my old name. The plugin must think that is another player. Please help! HyperStatic
Just contact a Head Moderator or a mod and then you will need to trust them. So then the mod will break the sign for you to private it again for your username. Good Luck!
Mods don't have permissions to break locks. @Nanurz @AmazingFireGirl @Pile_of_Butts --> Pretty sure they can though
Hello, HyperStatic. Unfortunately there is nothing you can do about this. If you really need in your chests i'd suggest emailing [email protected] and maybe the owner will be nice enough to break the signs off of your chests for you
Moderators / Head-Moderators do not have permissions to break the signs on locked chests. Your best bet to get your loot back is to change your name back to what it was previously. You'll be able to get your loot back, and then after a month change it to whatever you desire.
Locking as inactive. If this is still an issue create a new thread here: http://www.mineverse.com/forums/help.10/create-thread