HOW OLD ARE YOU my age is 16 your in-game name mirror234 What timezone are you in? (UTC-08:00) Pacific Time What country do you live in United states of America What languages do you speak English Why do you think you should become a mod I think i should become a mod because i know the rules very well what players can and cannot for example like how players cant hack,steal,or grief on the server i also am very trust worthy i believe i should become a mod because i like to help out people on the server and as a mod i can help even more ive played mineverse for some time now mineverse is a special server to me and many others and being one of the people who can help run or instruct the server would be a great responsibility i also have skype so if u would want my skype u may have it this server i will list somethings about me that may help with my application this is my 3 application and i hope its good enough if it isnt i will keep tring thank u for your time also as a mod i would not play around. (1) love to play mineverse (2)I am a nice person who doesn't like to hack or grief (3)my personality is nice calm can be assertive sometimes and awesome (4)active on minecraft (5)i'm skilled when it comes to mineverse games (6)last but not least i'm so kawaii ( japanese word look it up lol (7) i am a donator sponsor How long can you be active on the server everyday I can be about 5/6 hours maybe 7 HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN PLAYING MINEVERSE ive been playing about 7 months Do you have any past experience as a moderator? yes i do on my brothers/my server THANK U SO MUCH MINEVERSE SIGN:MIRROR234 View attachment 6928
i didnt do it on purpose it was a accident cause i though one didnt post so i posted a different one then i saw that one posted
People have the right to criticize an applicant, in fact that is almost the entire point of an application. To get feedback about yourself to help better yourself for future endeavors. Anyways, this app could use lots of extra detail, and you might also want to change the title to something like [YourCountryHere] mirror234 Good luck.
listen ive worked hard on this and if u dont like it its your opion ok so I would like if u stoped judging my app ok like u said support doesnt even matter so leave me and my app :(
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