Hello guys. As many people doesn't know some of the commands that are on KitPvP, I'll be listing all that I know of /m <name> <message> = private messaging a user /msg does the same thing /r <message> = replies to the last person who messaged you /warp vote/oldspawn/spawn/donate = warps you to the desired place /spawn = warps you to spawn. /seen <name> = shows when the person was last online /auction = showing you all the commands related to auctions and bids. /lobby = warps you to the lobby /tpa <name> = sending a request to TPA to a player /tpaccept = accepts the tpa request /tpahere <name> = send a request to a person to TPA to you /kit = shows you all the kits you have access to. /echest = opens your enderchest from everywhere /buy = shows you the donation packages, you can donate at donate.mineverse.com Hope you enjoyed this guide ;)