So i believe the only thing that truly makes me mad, the only thing that really makes me mad "my trigger." Is when you are having a conversation with someone or you message someone telling them something or asking a question and they don't even reply with real words.. They just make some stupid face like O.O or :c then they don't reply to you for the rest of the day or night until you say something else.. Like really... at least reply with words.. try and show you at least care a little... Then I believe my other trigger is also when you can be best friends with someone but she/he will not ever talk to you unless you message them first.. Like i've had supposed best friends go months without talking to me because i won't talk first. Like what the heck? really? Do you not care or something? Comment what you guys think and if you have experienced the same as me!
i don't mind emoji's but when that's the only thing someone replies with to you and they won't ever talk back then that makes me annoyed.