Should I Re-Apply for Mod? Hello everyone today I would just like to ask a question which I have been struggling to answer for a long time. I would like to ask if I should Re-Apply for Mod or not. The first time I applied it wasn't that successful for many reasons but the main reason being that I was only 'New Member' on Forums. So I have got Member now and I since I couldn't make the decision on my own I want you guys to vote in the poll saying if It's too early or if it is the right time, if you have any different answers to the ones in the poll comment it and I will count it as one of the votes(I will add it to the poll) and the one that gets the most votes will help me make my decision. Note The choices you make aren't going to totally mean that I do one certain choice but it's going to give me an look of if I did Re-Apply if you would Support me or If I didn't and you were like Okay that's good I just think he needs more time or something like that. Note 2) Don't take any of this as a way of me trying to get you to support me, because I want you guys to be 100% honest because this will help me a lot if you are honest in your answers. Some Facts about me In-game I have been playing Mineverse since April 2015 and since then took a serious liking to the Prison gamemode On Prison I am rank [Free] and I have [Supreme] the donor rank. I have never scammed, raged, been banned or threatened anybody on Mineverse.