My In-game name: StarQueenAlexia Offenders In-game name: 7v3 Rule broke: Hacking fly/reach this player broke the rule while playing skywars.. He was flying around killing people and hitting from at least 10 blocks away which is impossible to do. It is very obvious which you will see in my evidence below. My evidence: Please note: The first clip was an attempt to zoom in to catch his username as he was flying.. It didn't turn out as well as i hoped it would. The rest were just him basically reach hacking.. the 2nd clip i zoomed in because if I didn't it was hard to see his name. I zoomed back out after dying so you can see infact it was mineverse i was playing on.. 3rd clip how ever was full screen and proof of his reach. Thank you for taking the time to review my report! `StarQueenAlexia
It's a private youtube video because i also record pvp montage videos and don't want it all mixed in with my other videos.. You do need to sign in, if you may do so please so i don't need to make it public. Thank you!
Thank you for the report. The reported player has been banned. This thread has been moved to Reports - Banned.