How old are you? I'm currently 14. What is your in game name? CaptainMash but most people know me by my alt account Hamptonic. What Time Zone are you in? I'm in UTC London. What Languages do you speak? I speak fluent English some Spanish and some French. Why do you think you should become a Mod/Guard? 1) I'm very active on this account and my alt. 2) I will help anybody who needs help. 3) I know loads of the commands and how to use them in certain situations. 4) I will ban/jail anybody if I have to, even my closet friends. 5) I'm very mature in-game and on forums. 6) I have never been disrespectful towards anybody ever. How long have you been playing Mineverse? Since April 2015. How long can you be on the server everyday? Monday: 5-6 hours Tuesday: 5-6 hours Wednesday: 5-6 hours Thursday: 5-6 hours Friday: 5-8 hours Saturday: Pretty much all day Sunday: Pretty much all day Do you have any past experience as a mod? No but I have been a admin on a different prison server and know basically all the commands. Commands: /jail /ban /tempban /mute & more! Have you ever been banned on Mineverse? No and I never plan to be. Do you know the prison rules? Yes I do, I know that Diamond, Iron and Stone swords will result a 1-2 hours jail. Bows result in 2 hours jail. And lava/flint and steel/water results in a 24 hour jail. Conclusion Thank you everybody who has read my application/supported it! I hoped you liked it! Hope you have a lovely day!
I play prison a lot and I didn't see you even once. Maybe the time zones are a problem but idk. I would like to see you a lot more active on the forums, you are still a new member And you should add more info/detail. No support
You might not have seen my CaptainMash account but you might know me as Hamptonic? I have two accounts
No support. Try to elaborate on why you think you should become a moderator. Do not see you in - game a lot. Add detail. Good luck!
No support. You need much more information added, I have never seen you anywhere. You got almost no experience on the forums. The grammar and it's layout is okay, but there is not enough info stated. Good luck
Thanks for the feedback even though this application hasn't worked out the way I Hoped but I like the feedback!
I mean if you just want to be a prison guard and nothing else this is a good application Neutral (make it obvious that you just want to be a guard ) Good luck -Apex
This hasn't been successful but I'm not totally disappointed as this has been a good learning experience!