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  • Factions – Questions about chests

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by BlueExplorer, Mar 7, 2016.

    1. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      I’ve been on MV’s faction server for a little over two weeks now and I’ve learned a great many of lessons about faction wars by observing the ruins of many structures and by exploring the various options that are available to us online.

      One thing that has been puzzling to no end is the message about putting blocks above your chests to prevent others from opening them. I understand the whole claimed territory aspect of not being able to break blocks in someone else’s claimed faction territory and that you cannot open chests with blocks directly above them. I also understand that within the faction’s claimed chunks, the individual chunks can be restricted from general faction access and even assigned to individuals. I also understand that the only non-faction entity that can destroy blocks (including chests, doors, and everything else) within your claimed territory is TNT. Well, ok for that matter, if an Enderman is within your chunk I guess they could take a block or two. We can ignore creepers, I think, since I have yet to see one.

      What puzzles me is that I thought you had to be in the faction that claimed that chunk and you must be granted access to open chests; otherwise you cannot open any chests. Am I wrong with this understanding of chests? Is the placing of blocks above chests overkill or is it mandatory for best security? I suspect my understanding is incorrect otherwise how can non-faction members raid your stronghold?

      So what is the best way to protect chests and under what circumstances are they vulnerable to others.


    2. Spice

      Spice Boss Member

      Nov 27, 2013
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      Surround all your chests with fifteen layers of obsidian. Easiest method that comes to mind.
    3. Stephen Curry

      Stephen Curry Well-Known Member

      Oct 7, 2015
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      What spice said LOL
    4. Wolf

      Wolf Well-Known Member

      Nov 1, 2013
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      water your chests
    5. elrak

      elrak Legendary Member

      Jun 7, 2014
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      I'm pretty sure you can open chests in other factions territory so I suggest always having blocks on your chests, also if you play OP Factions you should also have water above your chests since other players can use creeper eggs.

      If you ever need any help with base design I can come in-game and give you a hand. :)
    6. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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      quick question, how'd u be able to access ur chests urself..
    7. ShonalFromRaxs

      ShonalFromRaxs Boss Member

      Mar 7, 2014
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      If you can Make a layer of wall from echests or enchanting table.. with cobble between them. so water 2x cobble wall enchant table or echest then cobble wall 2x then water again
      a wall of some kind like that is very good
    8. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Spice: Easy? 15 layers of obsidian? DeltaMC has a valid point... LOL!

      But then reading Shonal's suggestion...
      I now understand what Spice is saying... it's easier with a bunch of obsidian. :) LOL!

      But even with these two excellent suggestions from Spice and Shonal the major question is really on how to access it yourself. I can see removing a block or two to open a chest.

      Makes me wonder too, if you have your chests buried in so much "stuff" how is anyone ever going to know where it is in the first place? If they cannot blast everything away with TNT (due to depth and surrounded by so much territory) and it is not sitting in the middle of a room (like it is in a wall), how would anyone really know where to find it?

      I guess some may use hacks/cheats to detect it, but those folks are far and few I suspect... :)

      Seriously though Shonal, I'm trying to envision the multiple layers of echests/etables, cobble and water... I guess I don't understand be benefit of echests or etables. I did hear somewhere that etables pulls up the enchanting screen in some conditions so attacks are prevented but not sure how that would really work. Do I recall correctly that echests are slightly less destructible than obsidian on the MV server? Wow this would be expensive to craft!

      I guess a fun thing to do is to put an empty chest in the middle of one of these protections so if someone really goes to all that effort to open it, then they realize who the joke is on in the end... Well, maybe it might be wise to place a single book in a double chest with the contents that reads something like: "Congratulations! For your effort you win this book. Enjoy!"
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    9. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Wow... Creeper Eggs... I did not know about them. I looked them up and noticed what can be done to bypass watered chests. I'll have to do more research on these subjects.

      I've been thinking a lot about how creeper eggs are used to blow up chests that are in a water vault. I'm obviously not too skilled and there is a TON of stuff I don't know but I think I figured out how to build a vault that can contain 13 double chests and could possibly be creeper egg proof. If it happens to be creeper egg proof then I'm sure there are other weaknesses that could be exploited.

      I'll go ahead and create a new thread and I will post a few photos I took of the prototype and how I am building it. I've tested it and I can access all 13 chests so I'm ready to build the real one in obsidian. I'll first post the concept proofs and then I'll try building it.

      It would be interesting to see how "vandal" proof this may be. But unfortunately since I'm building this in my base (the restricted access area) I'd be a bit foolish to allow anyone to try. :)

      The real trick after I build this thing will be trying to find "anything" of "any value" to put in there! Maybe I can store a few stacks of cobble and dirt. :) That's valuable. :)

      Oh here are a few teasers of some of the test chests and with and without the walls or water (water will be added in the "final" obsidian version.

      Image 2016-03-11 22_46_18 001_cr.png
      This is the outside of vault. You will access the chests through the "window". A half slab is in the pit to allow you to see and position to all 13 double chests inside.
      Image 2016-03-11 22_46_27 001_cr.png
      This is he view through the "window" of the vault. There will be 4 torches in the water so you can see where the chests are. :) If you stand in the pit (lowest part of the image) you can access the upper chests. If you stand on the edge of the pit you can barely access to lower most chests.

      Image 2016-03-11 22_43_08 001_cr_sm.png
      This is a Prototype view of the inside of the vault. I did not use all of the 13 double chests. The two outer stacks of chests are facing the window (seen in the lower-right corner). The center chests are turned sideways and set back one block from the two stacks of the side chests. The torches are enclose in glass blocks so they will not be drowned when filled with water. Both the right side and left side have 5 stacks of chests. The center stack can only have 3 chests since they are farther away from the window that you would not be able to access any chests set higher or lower than these three.

      Thanks everyone for the ideas and feedback! I am looking forward to feedback on this design once I post the new thread I have about 10 screenshots that shows more details. :)

      Blue (RoyalBlueRanger)
    10. BlueExplorer

      BlueExplorer Experienced Member

      Mar 4, 2016
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      Guess what?

      Just about as soon as I pressed Post Reply I realized that this may help prevent people from placing creeper eggs and pushing them in to position (maybe) to blow up the chests, but I might have overlooked something obvious... Other clans can directly open them. :) Oops...

      Well it was fun trying to figure this out... I just need to do a little more figuring... :)

      Maybe sticky pistons and red stone... maybe I can somehow build a movable wall or block over the window so only specific people can open it. Maybe if the switch is removed it cannot be opened. But if the person has access to place a block they can then place the switch to activate the pistons. At that point might as well allow entry in to the void? Na... I still like the idea of a window to minimize what can be done other than just accessing the chest.

      I love a good puzzle! :)
      Blue (RoyalBlueRanger)

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