I said it was to late as I didn't feel comfortable giving someone I didn't really know my skype details. a few minute's later rodeen added me to a call and yeah... you were in it. I didn't really mind but I felt unsure when you were talking about my Ip and stuff, I honestly thought you were trying to ddos me. If your willing to change I think that's great and hope you do change cause you seem like a chill guy.
I've seen you often on KitPvP. I didn't bother reading those 9 mil + words. Accepted the apology, although I haven't seen bad behavior performed by you ever honestly.
>_< Damn so many feels reading all this and yet it's funny how you could think someone you known for what 4 years now? that they had so many things hidden within themselves... all though we only texted or talked to each other for a short period of time it felt like no matter what or how we were suppose to meet. I'm sorry but even now I don't think I fully know everything about you... I could tell you where hurting and it killed me inside... I've been through a lot crap that hurt me really badly so I never thought I would be able to open up to anyone but some how... you made me open up just by asking how I was every couple of days. I don't regret becoming your friend I don't regret us ever being together. but I do regret all the bad things I've said to you when we got into fights... I will always love you even if we aren't together because you are my best friend. I'm sorry but you know my a$$ is real stubborn and awkward af... I hope you'll forgive me and that we can work things out cause you promise me we would still have our friendship.