Hello people of MV. As some of you may recognize, I am jarroyonaples. Now, if you don’t know who I am, I am someone who first started playing here in 2013. I was here until the end of 2014/beginning of 2015. After, that I started becoming less interested in the server, and in minecraft in general. I was on the forums a lot during 2015, but only a few times on the actual server. The main reason that I’m writing this is because I have caused a lot of trouble, and screwed up a lot, and made many people feel bad. So here’s what I have to say. I’m sincerely sorry. To everyone, even to those that don’t know me. I was a fraud, a narcissist, a jerk, a bully, a liar, a manipulator. I don’t want to be seen like that anymore, because I’m not those things anymore. Everything I ever did was not out of spite. I never intended to hurt or dislike anyone when I first joined the server. I believe I was influenced by anger, frustration, immaturity, and certain decisions I shouldn’t have done. I was misguided, and I couldn’t’ve known better as I had little knowledge about socialization, treating others how I would want to be treated, and having good communication skills. I’m sorry for everything I’ve caused and everyone I’ve hurt. I’m really sorry. Now, as for those people that don’t know me, this is a hopefully fresh beginning to me. So here’s a small introduction to me. Hi, I’m jarroy. I’m 16 years old and was born in Lima, Peru. I’m fluent in Spanish and English, and you’ll see me say random things in Spanish from time to time :p I love music. My favorite group is Fifth Harmony, and I listen to a lot of Latin/Hispanic Music. I love Grey’s Anatomy, it’s my favorite show, and that, along with a few other factors, has influenced me to become a surgeon, a doctor! Orthopedics or General surgery are my top two picks for specialties right now. I would like to get to know anyone to be friends with ! It’s nice getting to know people, because it always opens up my perspectives. For my apology, I hope those who I’ve hurt are willing to forgive me, and to those first getting to know me, Hi ;) (and yeah, I'm back.) tagging some friends I have here :D @Mvdi @Carolyn @Coastic
I know right. I remember him being really inactive. Look at him now. I still remember you from 2013. I'm happy that you and @Elrak decided to start being serious. Good job guys. "Smile More" ~ Roman.
Ay, welcome back. Don't really know you that much so I hope to chat with you some time. I forgive you :P
Wow, long time no see man. I remember when I talked with kitkat and you a while back. All is forgiven, not that you ever did anything to me.