Really cool dude , glad you got promoted and we should deff talk more <3 Scorvix you are actual such a great friend tbh a couple of months ago I thought you hated me until we spoke on archerpvp and you were actual such a nice and friendly person <3. Rodeen, you are such a fun person to skype. you are a great friend and I enjoy skyping you a lot. I think you are hella nice and such a funny person <3. Your fun to skype with and your such an amazing building. you are a cool chill dude Your a hella good friend and a really good pvper, your really nice and friendly and an amazing person <3 You have been my friend for ever how long and I hope it will continue, you are such a kind person and an amazing builder <3 I don't think we really liked each other for a while but recently I have been in a skype call with you and you are a really funny and a nice person. we should call again someday :p. I mainly know you from forums, we havn't had a good conversation before hopfully that changes. you seem really nice and helpful and your such a great person in the mineverse community We were friends for a while, it all started with bedwars or something lmao, you are really funny and chill and to be honest I think you should give me your stuff on survival<3
I edited yours sorry I didn't realized I stopped mid sentence lmao Jeremy<3 your hella fun to play bedwarz with and you understand all our strats and everything we do, your such a good guy and we should play more bedwars someday
SSMH, your like one of my first friends on mineverse, I still remember the same map and how I kinda forced you to team with me lmao you have been such an amazing friend and help to me <33 fyi: map: hijacked
tbh I don't really know you to well, we should talk and from forums you seem funny :P I have known you for a long time your are such an amazing friend, I think we need to talk more as I haven't seen you in a while, I'm not taking that 100k lmao. you are really nice, I was only in a call with you for like 20mins and we should deff talk more I havn't really talked to you before but from what I see on forums you seem like a really nice and kind person . we should talk more
Your such a good pvper, you seem really nice and I wish I could of worked with you longer <3 I haven't really talked to you, you seem nice and funny we should talk some more you seem really nice and helpful. you are very kind and I like seeing you apart of the mineverse community I don't really know you I think we should start talking more