here you are going to post your highest zombie round with how many people. The round is valid from any game unless it was on B02 Town or farm and was edited by round or on easy (Default Town is valid) I takes maps from (Nacht Der Toten - Der Eisendrache) I'll start Round 56 Origins 3 Downs 4 people, then 3 people (one left cuz he had 60 downs) Bo2 Mob of the dead Round 38 11 downs 2 people (me and friend) Current Leaderboards 1. DiggyHD Origins Round 63 2. Glitcher726 Origins Round 56 3. Glitcher726 MOTD Round 38
Round 78 Origins 9 Downs 2 people I think around 2000/2500 kills. [Mostly Snipers cause Snipers are Jesus] Bo2
Round 287 Mob Of The Dead 13 Downs Me Myself and I idk how many kills xD this was like 3 years ago Blops 2!!!!!
no it was ez lol acidgat and the three burst ray gun p.o.p, blue tomahawk and golden spork, zambae shield and i ran around in the kitchen near the acid trap if things got messy :D