Thank you for taking your time. I will try to add more info in some way. Also, the reason why you haven't sen me on might be the time zone difference.
You might see me around Survival, Skywars and Creative. I also move on Skyblock and OPPrison sometimes. Thank you for re-reading my app.
Support. You're really friendly and helpful ingame, I feel you'd make a great mod! We could also use more EU mods on the server. Good luck!
Olc, you know how much I support you, but I only see you playing Creative and Skywars. Improve this please!
Yas, I realized that I am not often enough on other gamemodes, and I try to improve that. Since a mods duty is to move around on the whole server, I will go around and watch all gamemodes. Currently, I am concentrating to play with friends. I will change as soon as I got promoted. The thing is, that I have no goal on different, other servers... But if I will get promoted to mod, I will have to go all across the server, and I won't let you down with that.
Support... Just come to other gamemodes more often, because I can only see you in skywars and creative.
TY! <3 But... What is the reason that made you to support me anyway? Both sides are important for me cx