I noticed as I read a lot of threads that sometimes people are getting tagged, like me, and not getting notified of it. I was mentioned in several posts i had no idea about... I do have the option of being notified when tagged on as well... Watched threads are also not giving my a notification sometimes.
Go here and make sure you've turned everything needed on: http://www.mineverse.com/account/alert-preferences If not this doesn't happen to me; I don't know what could be going on for you.
Sadly I cannot tell you more. I would like to help, yet it has never happened to me before. I am clueless. It might be a bug or something. AND GRATZ @Recyclinq :OO
Sometimes tags do not work. It has been this way for a while. Also you will not get tags from people who tag you in profile comments (blank notifications). As long as your settings are ok lets just hope tags work for you.
The reason tags do not sometimes work is because people edited your tag in. Say I make a post on a thread for best friends. I tag 5 people when I post the reply, aND they get the notification. But then I use the edit button to add 7 more tags of people, and I save it. Those 7 people will not get the notification. I don't know why it's like this, but that's just how it is.
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