Hello all I just want to say sorry for using a hack client. That was stupid of me mand i don't realy know why i used it i didin't used it on PVP i think i used it for the fullBright,Zoom and the freecam. I hope you all forgive me. AND I STOP HACKING I PROMISE!!! ........Now i have optifine wich i great. Xx_thijsbeast_xX
So you was lying to me? You are using wolfram, and you use the wierd head or something, i told u u have hacks and you are like NO im NOT. I used they and i was banned, I don't use they anymore or ever, i hope you do the same
I hope much people stop hacking. I know how it feels to be the best whit hacks but 1you cant record other hackers because it says in a corner what hacks you are using and btw people like you more if you just don't hack. Plz stop hacking just like me. Im now hack Buster its pretty funny!