Wondering if any mods or devs have perms to remove signs from chests in skygrid? If so can you break the signs on my chests because as you all know I got a name change. Thanks for the help! ~Insolar/FlamingHades12 https://namemc.com/s?Insolar ^^^ Proof that my original name was FlamingHades12 Plus a screenshot below vvvv
If they can do it on skyblock they can do it on skygrid. Do you have proof of your name change? Like go take a pic of name mc
I'm pretty sure only head mods can take out signs but, you would probably have to arrange a time for both you and the mod to get on at the same time. @Pile_of_Butts @Nanurz @AmazingFireGirl
It is impossible for the moderators to break locked chests, or the locks. The only thing you can do, is to change your name back to the name on the chest lock, or to hope @CypriotMerks or @Noobcrew will help you ;) Hope your problem gets resolved soon
I have had that happen to me and an admin just so happen to be on to help. One quick fix and lucky day i guess.
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