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  • 50 questions

    Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Tepig4321, Mar 2, 2016.

    1. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      Yes ik this is a thing but now it can be in 1 thread!!:

      1. Irl name?
      2. Boy or girl?
      3. Cookie or cake?
      4. Favorite sport?
      5. What grade?
      6. Prison or Op prison?
      7. Favorite country?
      8. Pokemon or Digimon?
      9. Apple or Samsung?
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles?
      11. Cities or Subarbs?
      12. Plane or Boat?
      13. Private or Public school?
      14. Indoors or Outdoors?
      15. Hotel or home?
      16. Age?
      17. Favorite emoji?
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate?
      19. Pencil or Pen?
      20. Hot or Cold?
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse?
      22. Sneakers or Sandals?
      23. Snickers or Reeses?
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry?
      26. Tucked in shirt?
      27. Favorite color?
      28. Favorite brand of shoes?
      29. Favorite Celebrity?
      30. Favorite athlete?

      Ok here is where it gets different from other 100 questions sections

      There will be a girls and guys section cuz why the heck not xD


      31. Video games or sports?
      32. Beard or no facial hair?
      33. Short or long hair?
      34. Blue or Green?
      35. Sleep with shirt?
      36. Color of hair?
      37. Tie or bowtie?
      38. Collar shirt?
      39. Sunglasses?
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols)


      31. Acrylic Nails or Painted Nails?
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any?
      33. Red or Pink lipstick?
      34. Skirt or dress?
      35. Short or long hair?
      36. Ponytail or bun?
      37. Pink, red, or purple?
      38. High heels?
      39. Piercings?
      40. Color of hair?

      Some more questions for everyone-

      41. Sun or moon?
      42. Car or truck?
      43. Favorite fast food?
      44. Do you like school?
      45. Do you like Tepig?
      46. Favorite video game?
      47. Favorite mod?
      48. Favorite youtuber?
      49. Dogs or Cats?
      50. Favorite Meme?

      Bonus: post a irl pic for a like
    2. Olivxr

      Olivxr Guest

      Yes ik this is a thing but now it can be in 1 thread!!:

      1. Oliver
      2. Boy
      3. Cookie
      4. Tennis
      5. 9th
      6. Op prison
      7. Japan
      8. Pokemon
      9. Apple
      10. Chocolate
      11. Ciries damnn
      12. Plane
      13. Public school
      14. Indoors
      15. Home
      16. 14
      17. :lol::D:cat:;)
      18. Chocolate
      19. Pen
      20. Hot
      21. Damnnn again. @Hollypix @Mai @YRVintage @Janice @HatchingPandas @Scorvix
      22. Sneakers
      23. Snickers
      24. none
      25. Taylor Swift
      26. never
      27. blue and black
      28. Nike and White Vans.
      29. Christoph Waltz
      30. none tbh
      31. Video games !!!
      32. Beard
      33. Short
      34. Blue
      35. yes
      36. Dark brown
      37. Tie
      38. Sometimes
      39. Yesss
      40. Adam
      41. Moon
      42. Car
      43. No, not really. Except if sushi counts as fast food.
      44. Y do you even ask that..?
      45. Depends :>
      46. Assassins Creed, and Minecraft
      47. hm... Probably @Janice999 or @Coastic
      48. YouTube music label: MrSuicideSheep (I am not watching sh*t on YT)
      49. Cats
      • Like Like x 1
    3. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      omg me too
      • Like Like x 1
    4. Dyna_Mighty

      Dyna_Mighty Retired Head-Mod

      Oct 13, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? It starts with a C, and thats about all you are getting
      2. Boy or girl? girl
      3. Cookie or cake? cake
      4. Favorite sport? Tough choice, but down between Football (American style) & Baseball
      5. What grade? Does 7th grade homeschool mom count?
      6. Prison or Op prison? Def Prison
      7. Favorite country? USA because its where Im from, but to visit Cayman Islands
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? ehhhh neither
      9. Apple or Samsung? Samsung
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Out in the middle of nowhere
      12. Plane or Boat? Depends on where Im going
      13. Private or Public school? Homeschool
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Outdoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 34
      17. Favorite emoji? :D
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pencil
      20. Hot or Cold? Hot
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? My most favorite friend that Ive ever had, xxxvan, left. I miss him terribly.
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sandals (or where Im from they are called flip flops)
      23. Snickers or Reeses? reeses
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Lesser of the two evils, Donald Trump
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Ohhh this is tough, I like them both....Taylor Swift
      26. Tucked in shirt? Yes
      27. Favorite color? Blue
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Dont really have a favorite brand
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Jimmy Fallon
      30. Favorite athlete? Chipper Jones (Retired from Atlanta Braves)
      31. Acrylic Nails or Painted Nails? Painted Nails
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any? Yes, and thats the only info you are getting for that one
      33. Red or Pink lipstick? Neither
      34. Skirt or dress? Neither
      35. Short or long hair? Long
      36. Ponytail or bun? I do both about equal amounts
      37. Pink, red, or purple? Purple
      38. High heels? No thanks
      39. Piercings? Several
      40. Color of hair? Brown with blue streaks
      41. Sun or moon? Sun
      42. Car or truck? Big trucks!
      43. Favorite fast food? No
      44. Do you like school? Not a fan but necessary
      45. Do you like Tepig? ofc
      46. Favorite video game? MC
      47. Favorite mod? Myself, duh
      48. Favorite youtuber? Meh
      49. Dogs or Cats? Dogs
      50. Favorite Meme? Its inappropriate and will get me into trouble :P
    5. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

    6. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Roger lol jk its Danny
      2. Boy or girl? Boy
      3. Cookie or cake? Cake
      4. Favorite sport? Tennis
      5. What grade? 7th
      6. Prison or Op prison? Op prison
      7. Favorite country? USA
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon
      9. Apple or Samsung? Samsung
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Subarbs
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Homeschool
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 13
      17. Favorite emoji? :>
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pencil
      20. Hot or Cold? Hot
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @YRVintage @Rodeenie
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Neither im a M&M person
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Hillary
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Taylor i guess
      26. Tucked in shirt? Never
      27. Favorite color? Red or Yellow
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Adidas
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Roger Federer
      30. Favorite athlete? Roger Federer
      31. Video games or sports? Video Games and Sports
      32. Beard or no facial hair? No facial hair
      33. Short or long hair? Long i guess
      34. Blue or Green? Blue
      35. Sleep with shirt? Yes
      36. Color of hair? Dark Brown
      37. Tie or bowtie? Bowtie
      38. Collar shirt? Sure
      39. Sunglasses? Nah
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols) Adam Savage
      41. Sun or moon? Sun
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? Chick fil a
      44. Do you like school? Sure
      45. Do you like Tepig? Random
      46. Favorite video game? Minecraft
      47. Favorite mod? @Janice999
      48. Favorite youtuber? Tepig
      49. Dogs or Cats? Both
      50. Favorite Meme? [​IMG]
    7. Amaya

      Amaya Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Amaya
      2. Girl
      3. Cookie
      4. Volleyball
      5. 8th
      6. Op prison
      7. Probably Japan
      8. Pokemon
      9. Apple
      11. Cities
      12. Plane
      13. Public
      14. Outdoors
      15. Home
      16. 13
      17. :asshat:
      19. Pencil
      20. Cold
      21. @xKirito @PotatoYourDad @Sanity @DoctorDistructo and yeah, I think that's it. I have no friends.
      22. Sneakers
      23. Snickers
      24. Hillary Clinton
      25. Taylor Swift
      26. Yes, tucked in shirt if it is oversized.
      27. Lavender Purple
      28. Vans, or Converse
      29. Selena Gomez
      30. Kobe Bryant ( I know he is old now and can't play.)
      31. Acrylic Nailzzz
      32. No, I don't want plastic surgery. Too much $$
      33. Red lipstick
      34. Dress
      35. Long hair !
      36. Bun
      37. Purple
      38. Mmm.. I'll wear heels , but I'd rather wear my converse.
      39. Yes piercings pls.
      40. Black
      41. Moon
      42. Car
      43. Taco Bell
      44. I really like school right now because I'm getting to know lots of people right now. My liking of school depends on my situation.
      45. Yes, even though I don't know Tepig..
      46. League of Legends, or CS:GO. Maybe Final Fantasy.
      47. I don't really know. I haven't really talked to mods lately.
      48. Leafyishere . I LOVE HIM.
      49. Cats!

      Attached Files:

      • Like Like x 1
    8. Jesse234106

      Jesse234106 Experienced Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Jesse
      2. Boy or girl? Boy
      3. Cookie or cake? I like them both
      4. Favorite sport? Badminton
      5. What grade? Not in high school anymore, just college
      6. Prison or Op prison? Op prison
      7. Favorite country? United States/ Japan
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Both, I enjoy both of them since I was small
      9. Apple or Samsung? Apple of course
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or suburbs? Cities
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoor
      15. Hotel or home? Both
      16. Age? 20
      17. Favorite emoji?
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Both
      20. Hot or Cold? In the middle
      21. Favorite friends on Mineverse? Everyone here is my friends
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reese's? None
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Taylor swift
      26. Tucked in shirt? No
      27. Favorite colour? Light blue
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Idk
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Johnny depp and Tom cruise
      30. Favorite athlete? Don't have any

      Ok here is where it gets different from other 100 questions sections

      There will be a girls and guys section cuz why the heck not xD


      31. Video games or sports? Super smash bros brawl on the Wii
      32. Beard or no facial hair? None
      33. Short or long hair? Short
      34. Blue or Green? Blue
      35. Sleep with shirt? Yes
      36. Color of hair? Black
      37. Tie or bowtie? Tie
      38. Collar shirt? Sometimes
      39. Sunglasses? Yes
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols): I don't know

      Some more questions for everyone-

      41. Sun or moon? Sun
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? McDonald's
      44. Do you like school? Sometimes
      45. Do you like tepig? As a Pokemon, sure
      46. Favorite video game? Super smash bros on the Wii, Pokemon black 2
      47. Favorite mod? @Nightfire
      48. Favorite you tuber? DanTDM, Deadlox, Skydoesminecraft, itsjerryandharry
      49. Dogs or Cats? Dogs
      50. Favorite Meme? Idk

      Bonus: post a irl pic for a like
      Here's the real life picture of the angel food cake made yesterday
    9. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Rodeen
      2. Boy or girl? Girl
      3. Cookie or cake? Cookie
      4. Favorite sport? Basketball
      5. What grade? 9th
      6. Prison or Op prison? Op prison
      7. Favorite country? United States of America
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Ew
      9. Apple or Samsung? Apple
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Cities
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Private for 4 years public for 5
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 14
      17. Favorite emoji? Heart eyes
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pen
      20. Hot or Cold? Cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @Moooose @AthleticPsycho @Legionious @Discdog1000
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? I don't like either
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Hillary
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Taylor swift
      26. Tucked in shirt? No
      27. Favorite color? Navy blue
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Vans or Michael Kors
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Kendall Jenner
      30. Favorite athlete? Kobe Bryant
      31. Acrylic Nails or Painted Nails? Painted
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any? No
      33. Red or Pink lipstick? Pink
      34. Skirt or dress? Dress
      35. Short or long hair? Long
      36. Ponytail or bun? Ponytail
      37. Pink, red, or purple? Blue
      38. High heels? Yea
      39. Piercings? Yes
      40. Color of hair? Dark brown
      41. Sun or moon? Moon
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? In n out
      44. Do you like school? Ye
      45. Do you like @Tepig4321 ? Ya he's my bf duh
      46. Favorite video game? Nba
      47. Favorite mod? @Janice999
      48. Favorite youtuber? Niki and Gabi
      49. Dogs or Cats? Dog
      50. Favorite Meme? Idk
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Mar 3, 2016
    10. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? lol no one will ever find out.
      2. Boy or girl? Boy
      3. Cookie or cake? Cookie (;
      4. Favorite sport? Soccer. (American)
      5. What grade? 8th
      6. Prison or Op prison? Prison
      7. Favorite country? Italy
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? I don't like that crap .-.
      9. Apple or Samsung? Samsung
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Subarbs
      12. Plane or Boat? PLANE
      13. Private or Public school? HomeSchool
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Outdoors
      15. Hotel or home? Hotel
      16. Age? 15
      17. Favorite emoji? :lol::lol::lol:
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pen
      20. Hot or Cold? Cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? I am not picking names .-.
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Reeses
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? LOL Clinton
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Katy Perry .-.
      26. Tucked in shirt? No
      27. Favorite color? Light Blue and light purple
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? idk
      29. Favorite Celebrity? um Liam Neeson (The actor)
      30. Favorite athlete? Lionel Messi
      31. Video games or sports? Erm.... Video games
      32. Beard or no facial hair? Hell no
      33. Short or long hair? short
      34. Blue or Green? Blue
      35. Sleep with shirt? ... yes
      36. Color of hair? Brown
      37. Tie or bowtie? Tie
      38. Collar shirt? No
      39. Sunglasses? Ofc
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols) idk who these niqqas are
      41. Sun or moon? Moon
      42. Car or truck? Truck
      43. Favorite fast food? Fries? Idk
      44. Do you like school? NO
      45. Do you like Tepig? LOL i guess
      46. Favorite video game? Call of duty b02
      47. Favorite mod? What type? MineVerse mod: TADS4. Hacked Client: Metro 6.0 Non Changing Mod: 5zig
      48. Favorite youtuber? Hmm. Huahwi and PrivateFearless
      49. Dogs or Cats? CATS
      50. Favorite Meme? um. Idk? A lot! ;p

      Bonus: post a irl pic for a like: Hell no
    11. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Steve, obviously
      2. Boy or girl? Guy mang
      3. Cookie or cake? Cake <3
      4. Favorite sport? Football
      5. What grade? 11, lol.
      6. Prison or Op prison? Prison
      7. Favorite country? My country, USA.
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon
      9. Apple or Samsung? Apple ATM
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow
      11. Cities or Subarbs? *Suburbs
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Outdoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 17?
      17. Favorite emoji? :lol:
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pen
      20. Hot or Cold? Cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? Too many to tag
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? *Reese's
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? CAN'T STUMP THE TRUMP
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Swift
      26. Tucked in shirt? Lolno
      27. Favorite color? Red
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Vans
      29. Favorite Celebrity? @Nightfire
      30. Favorite athlete? @AthleticPsycho

      31. Video games or sports? What's a sport, a new game?
      32. Beard or no facial hair? Smooth as @YRVintage sliding in the DM's
      33. Short or long hair? Short
      34. Blue or Green? Blue
      35. Sleep with shirt? Yes..
      36. Color of hair? Brown dude
      37. Tie or bowtie? Tie xD
      38. Collar shirt? For work, yes
      39. Sunglasses? Yessir
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols) Idk
      41. Sun or moon? Sun
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? Burger
      44. Do you like school? Who likes school..
      45. Do you like Tepig? I love my OG @Tepig4321
      46. Favorite video game? Call of booty advanced welfare
      47. Favorite mod? @Janice999 master race
      48. Favorite youtuber? Vanoss
      49. Dogs or Cats? Dogs
      50. Favorite Meme?
      • Like Like x 1
    12. YRVintage

      YRVintage Guest

    13. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name?ariana
      2. Boy or girl?girl
      3. Cookie or cake?both
      4. Favorite sport?volleyball
      5. What grade?10
      6. Prison or Op prison?op
      7. Favorite country?idk im always in Canada
      8. Pokemon or Digimon?what
      9. Apple or Samsung?apple
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles?chocolate
      11. Cities or Subarbs?city
      12. Plane or Boat?plane
      13. Private or Public school?public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors?indoor all day
      15. Hotel or home?home
      16. Age? 16
      17. Favorite emoji?annoyed
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate?vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen?I'm fine with both
      20. Hot or Cold?cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse?that's hard, and too many.
      22. Sneakers or Sandals?sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Reese's
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? none
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Katy's better than that retard
      26. Tucked in shirt? nah
      27. Favorite colour? black
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? vans
      29. Favorite Celebrity? too many faves ugh but the mains r Lana del Ray and Emma watson
      30. Favorite athlete? idk
      31. Acrylic nails or painted nails? none
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any? no and no
      33. Red or Pink lipstick? ew none
      34. skirt or dress? ew I hate both
      35. Short or Long hair? short or maybe medium.
      36. Ponytail or bun? bun
      37. Pink red or purple? r these supposed to be feminin colours? hah none
      38. High heels? NO
      39. Piercings? numerous
      40. Colour of hair? brown
      41. Sun or moon? moon
      42. Car or truck? idk
      43. Favorite fast food? Tim Hortons
      44. Do you like school? hate it
      45. Do you like Tepig? idk who that is
      46. Favorite video game? idk
      47. Favorite mod? @Janice999
      48. Favorite youtuber? twaimz
      49. Dogs or Cats? both
      50. Favorite Meme? I'll find it later
    14. EvocativeTragedy

      EvocativeTragedy Experienced Member

      Oct 8, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Bella
      2. Boy or girl? Girl
      3. Cookie or cake? Cookie
      4. Favorite sport? Soccer
      5. What grade? secret
      6. Prison or Op prison? Opprison
      7. Favorite country? France
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? wut
      9. Apple or Samsung? Apple
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Chocolate
      11. Cities or Suburbs? Cities
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Online :>
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? as old as they come
      17. Favorite emoji? Middle finger one
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Neither
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pencil
      20. Hot or Cold? Cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @Exo @Pikab00 @Lapis(Lapis_Firestar)
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Slippers!
      23. Snickers or Reeses? HERSHEEYYSS
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? BERNIEEE
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? can u not
      26. Tucked in shirt? nah
      27. Favorite color? black, like my soul
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? I literally only wear slippers
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Alycia Debnam Carey
      30. Favorite athlete? Lindsey Horan
      (Answering the guys section cause imma rebel)

      31. Video games or sports? mmm both even tho I suck at video games
      32. Beard or no facial hair? NUN I AM FEMALE
      33. Short or long hair? long
      34. Blue or Green? BLACK
      35. Sleep with shirt? yus
      36. Color of hair? brown with red highlights
      37. Tie or bowtie? Bowties FTW
      38. Collar shirt? When I feel snazzy sure
      39. Sunglasses? depends if they are fancy
      40. Jamie or Adam (from myth busters lols) Jamie
      41. Sun or moon? Moon
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? Chick Fil A
      44. Do you like school? ehhhhh
      45. Do you like Tepig? lol whut
      46. Favorite video game? Star Wars battlefront
      47. Favorite mod? Like if you mean as staff @Exstatisfy but if you're talking bout modded things to add to your game then 5zig lol
      48. Favorite youtuber? me
      49. Dogs or Cats? cats
      50. Favorite Meme? ALL
      (pretend there is a potato here mk)
    15. clxrity

      clxrity dev Developer Premium

      Nov 7, 2015
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? MJ
      2. Boy or girl? Girl
      3. Cookie or cake? Cake
      4. Favorite sport? Adventuring ツ
      5. What grade? 9th
      6. Prison or Op prison? Op prison
      7. Favorite country? 'murica
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon. What the heck is digimon?
      9. Apple or Samsung? Apple
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Chocolate
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Both
      12. Plane or Boat? Boat
      13. Private or Public school? Public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Outdoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 14
      17. Favorite emoji? ❤️
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pencil
      20. Hot or Cold? Hot
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? Too many to name <3
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Snickers
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Donald Trump.
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Eh, depends.
      26. Tucked in shirt? Sure
      27. Favorite color? Green
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Barefoot.
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Racheal McAdams
      30. Favorite athlete? My sister, she's pretty athletic. I don't watch sports.
      31. Acrylic Nails or Painted Nails? Painted
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any? Never
      33. Red or Pink lipstick? Pink
      34. Skirt or dress? Dress
      35. Short or long hair? Long
      36. Ponytail or bun? Bun
      37. Pink, red, or purple? Purple
      38. High heels? Nah
      39. Piercings? Only in my ears. I wouldn't mind having a belly button one.
      40. Color of hair? Brown
      41. Sun or moon? Sun fascinates me more.
      42. Car or truck? Truck
      43. Favorite fast food? Chickfila
      44. Do you like school? Yeah, I don't like doing work though ;3
      45. Do you like Tepig? Of course!
      46. Favorite video game? I only play minecraft, so...
      47. Favorite mod? Not saying ;p
      48. Favorite youtuber? I don't really watch YouTube.
      49. Dogs or Cats? Dogs.
      50. Favorite Meme?
    16. alma

      alma Boss Member

      Oct 7, 2014
      Likes Received:
      I started a trend ay
    17. PotatoYourDad

      PotatoYourDad Active Member

      Jan 5, 2016
      Likes Received:
      1. Sports <3
      32. no facial hair (EWWWWWWWWWWWW) <3
      33. Short hair
      34. Blue
      35. No
      36. Blacky brown ish
      37. Bowtie man <3
      38. Hell naw
      39. Yeaaaa
      40. Adam <3
    18. Dom

      Dom Well-Known Member

      Feb 3, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Dominic
      2. Boy or girl? Boy
      3. Cookie or cake? Cookie
      4. Favorite sport? Competitive Rollerblading
      5. What grade? 8th
      6. Prison or Op prison? Prison
      7. Favorite country? U.S.A
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon
      9. Apple or Samsung? Nokia
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Chocolate
      11. Cities or Suburbs? Suburbs
      12. Plane or Boat? Neither
      13. Private or Public school? Public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home is where the heart is, but the hotel has my happiness too :happy:
      16. Age? 13
      17. Favorite emoji? :asshat:
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? Vanilla
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pencil
      20. Hot or Cold? Cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? Too many since you're all nice to me :>
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Reeses
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Hillary Clinton
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? I dislike them both
      26. Tucked in shirt? No
      27. Favorite color? Electronic Blue
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? Adidas
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Denzel Washington
      30. Favorite athlete? Me
      31. Acrylic Nails or Painted Nails? Not about that life
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any? Never
      33. Red or Pink lipstick? Neither
      34. Skirt or dress? Neither
      35. Short or long hair? Look at my recent picture in "IRL Pics :P" I have medium length
      36. Ponytail or bun? Neither
      37. Pink, red, or purple? Red
      38. High heels? No
      39. Piercings? No
      40. Color of hair? Dirty Blonde
      41. Sun or moon? Moon
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? It might give away my location, but this comes in second place Chik-Fil-A
      44. Do you like school? Yes
      45. Do you like Tepig? Yup
      46. Favorite video game? Minecraft
      47. Favorite mod? If they all got zapped by sandy's ray that she used on spongebob to make a supermutant, then that would be it
      48. Favorite youtuber? PeteZahHutt
      49. Dogs or Cats? Dogs.
      50. Favorite Meme?
    19. Discdog1000

      Discdog1000 Well-Known Member

      May 1, 2014
      Likes Received:
      1. Irl name? Greer
      2. Boy or girl? Girl
      3. Cookie or cake? All about dat cake bruh
      4. Favorite sport? Swimming
      5. What grade? .
      6. Prison or Op prison? Prison
      7. Favorite country? Idk USA
      except we're screwed because of the elections
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Both; Pokemon is my childhood but I prefer Digimon when it comes to shows
      9. Apple or Samsung? APPLE
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? CHAWLIT
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Subarbs
      12. Plane or Boat? Neither
      13. Private or Public school? Public :t
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Both :3
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? Only some know
      17. Favorite emoji? :p <-- I did this purposely
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? CHOCOLATE OBVIOUSLY
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pencil is bae
      20. Hot or Cold? ICE ICE BABY
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @RebornWolf @Rodeenie @Legionious
      22. Sneakers or Sandals? Sneakers
      fire ants ruined sandals for me
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Reeses duh
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? BOTH ARE TERRIBLE AND SHOULD NOT BE ELECTED
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Ditto ^^^
      26. Tucked in shirt? What
      27. Favorite color? AQUA BLUE OR TEAL <3
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? I would choose the ones I'm wearing rn but I'm too lazy to check and I don't know any brands
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Umm John Powell?
      30. Favorite athlete? @AthleticPsycho
      31. Acrylic Nails or Painted Nails? I hate both they're ugly
      32. Would you want to get plastic surgery/have any? NO I HATE THE THOUGHT OF THAT STUFF
      33. Red or Pink lipstick? Both colors suck and I don't wear lipstick because I'm too young
      34. Skirt or dress? I hate both but Ima go with dress
      35. Short or long hair? LONG
      36. Ponytail or bun? Ponytail if I have to choose
      37. Pink, red, or purple? Purple also do you just AUTOMATICALLY ASSUME GIRLS LIKE THESE COLORS BECAUSE WE DON'T
      38. High heels? No
      39. Piercings? OMG NO WHY
      40. Color of hair? Copper/honey blonde
      41. Sun or moon? Both :3
      42. Car or truck? Car
      43. Favorite fast food? Uh...
      44. Do you like school? Sorta
      45. Do you like Tepig? I just like the pokemon
      46. Favorite video game? Minecraft
      47. Favorite mod? Optifine duh
      48. Favorite youtuber? GMM or I Hate Everything
      49. Dogs or Cats? DOGS OBV
      50. Favorite Meme? [​IMG]
      • Like Like x 2
    20. Flazer

      Flazer Boss Member

      Dec 30, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Yes ik this is a thing but now it can be in 1 thread!!:

      1. Irl name? Nick
      2. Boy or girl? Make
      3. Cookie or cake? cookies
      4. Favorite sport? none
      5. What grade? 8th
      6. Prison or Op prison? OML OPPRISON ALL THE WAY
      7. Favorite country? murica
      8. Pokemon or Digimon? Pokemon
      9. Apple or Samsung? Samsung
      10. Rainbow or Chocolate sprinkles? Rainbow chocolate is ew
      11. Cities or Subarbs? Suburbs
      12. Plane or Boat? Plane
      13. Private or Public school? Public
      14. Indoors or Outdoors? Indoors
      15. Hotel or home? Home
      16. Age? 13
      17. Favorite emoji? I HATE EMOJIS OMG
      18. Vanilla or Chocolate? VANILLA
      19. Pencil or Pen? Pencil?
      20. Hot or Cold? Cold
      21. Favorite friends on mineverse? @MrPronounce @Mz_Penguin @TADS4
      22. Sneakers or Sandals?sneakers
      23. Snickers or Reeses? Snickers
      24. Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? MAKE MURICS GREAT AGAIN. BUILD A WALL!
      25. Taylor Swift or Katy Perry? Neither
      26. Tucked in shirt? lolno
      27. Favorite color? Light blue
      28. Favorite brand of shoes? I'm not a shoe freak
      29. Favorite Celebrity? Donald trump
      30. Favorite athlete? None

      Ok here is where it gets different from other 100 questions sections

      There will be a girls and guys section cuz why the heck not xD


      31. Video games or sports? Video games lol
      32. Beard or no facial hair? None
      33. Short or long hair? Longer, but no long long
      34. Blue or Green? Blue
      35. Sleep with shirt? No
      36. Color of hair? Brown
      37. Tie or bowtie? Neither
      38. Collar shirt? Ew
      39. Sunglasses? Nope
      40. Jamie or Adam (from mythbusters lols) um what

      Some more questions for everyone-

      41. Sun or moon? Uh, sun? Kinda neessiciary for life
      42. Car or truck? Idc about cars
      43. Favorite fast food? CHICKEN NUGETS
      44. Do you like school? LOLLLLNO
      45. Do you like Tepig?no
      46. Favorite video game? Minecraft
      47. Favorite mod? Thaumcraft
      48. Favorite youtuber? EthosLab
      49. Dogs or Cats? Cats
      50. Favorite Meme? 60s spiderman

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