I honestly don't know. Many people hate me and I feel personally I am very toxic at points but should I still make a app or??? Give me suggestion on what I can improve in order to work on becoming a mod ^_^
And please be honest, tell me if I'm to mean or anything of that matter I really want to improve thanks.
This should be off-topic; but on topic according to the thread, it's personal choice. It's when you decide you feel acquainted with the necessary skills to become a moderator; and feel that you can handle the responsibilitys of being a moderator.
You are able to ask a moderator to move your thread; either through pm or tagging a moderator to your thread. @Janice999
I feel as my past would just ruin every chance I would have to become a mod, to many players absolutely hate me. @Censor
The community make the decision; Crew and/or Cyp make the decision. If they decide you are ready, you'll be promoted; if they don't believe so, they won't promote you.
It's up to you if your ready to become a mod here If you ever apply, Remember to be active in the forums and in-game Get to know the community and the people in the server. Put as much information in your app (especially on the "why you want to become mod") see other people's example app (but don't copy it) just an example. Just make sure you don't make grammar mistakes as well. If your ready, then go for it. It's up to the community's decision after that
I have moved it to off topic. I think any one has a chance no matter their past. So yes you have a chance. But when I say no matter their past I mean if they have changed and are different from how they were in their past.
You shouldn't worry about your past, as many current/past mods have done things that they shouldn't have, and still got promoted. One of the head mods has been perm banned by Cyp, and now look where they are. :P If you are willing to help the community and if you feel that you would make a good moderator, go for it. Good luck to you if you decide to apply.
Just go for it, there shouldn't be anything holding you back. I've learned to educate myself from what people tell me and really take it in and improve, if you open a mod app people will critique you on the smallest things and expect you to master it. Good luck!
It all depends on you, if you think you want to try, u want to try. No one can force you to or not to apply.
Just go for it, there shouldn't be anything holding you back. I've learned to educate myself from what people tell me and really take it in and improve, if you open a mod app people will critique you on the smallest things and expect you to master it. Good luck!