If you haven't heard of No Man's Sky, we have a problem here. IT IS SO PRETTY. Here's an amazing picture of the game in development: The game is basically an endless universe of literally a quadrillion planets to discover (no exaggeration). I'm probably going to get it on Steam so I can maximize the game and maybe play with some of you peoples. Here's a video on it: COMMENT BELOW ANY THINGS YOU FEEL YOU WANT TO
I have been following this game for over a year now. I was so sad that they promised a 2015 release then had to change it to 2016, but if it means a better game then Im all for it. I am so excited for this game, ive been on their email list forever and watchedall the vids! Its going to be epic!
My problems with the game are the claim of an "endless" universe. That's a big claim and I feel it will become very repetitive after time. I'd buy it if I had a ps4 or pc capable of running it, but I'm not buying into the hype. Just look at Watch Dogs, Mass Effect 3, Titanfall, Destiny (before The Taken King), and Dead Space 3.
It is a literal infinite space. Its not a shootem up game. Its a survival explorer, claim new planets, explore new creatures, etc. Of course there will be updates to come that break monitony, this is huge for a first step. Its going to be amazing.
Hopefully.But why is multiplayer being added?And doesn't every game promise endless everything?Innovation is nice,except when it gets repetitive.Hoping for it's release,though.
The difference between those games and this is that this game isn't about shooting things. It's about exploring new worlds and environments. I agree that it may become repetitive, but I hope it doesn't. Multiplayer adds so much to this game. People would get bored exploring alone. Playing with friends makes games so much better.
Yes I understand the genre difference is there, but that doesn't change the fact that many of those games ended up lacking content, were very buggy in the end or the community couldn't stick. I'm all for seeing what they can do with the game, but just like movies I can no longer rush to a conclusion that it will be the next best thing. I see going into something with no expectation and it being terrible better than having high hopes. I'd like it to be that next best thing, but I won't call it that until it proves it.
True, completely a solid look on it. But for someone who has been watching this game progress and keepeing an eye on it for over a year, multiple videos, press releases, news, info, email updates, etc. This is one that I am truly excited about. From being on the late show to many other press outlets, this game being under no major developer, has done some unimaginable things. Its new technology and they realized they couldn't release it when expected which is applaudable, many devs release in alpha for monetary support then they update. I understand your hesitation and everyone has their own feelings, I myself have been invested feom the get-go and am so pumped to experience it first hand.