I was thinking about giving Titans a reward for getting on top voter. Currently, I have no real incentive to vote, because I don't need what I get from voting on servers. This would give myself and other Titans a new incentive to vote which would be nice. I was thinking maybe giving them extra of what they vote for on all servers? This would mean they want to vote to get more items from voting. Another possible thing, giving them a free cape? It's a small thing that they could get for free if they don't want to spend the 5 dollars. If this happened, more Titans would vote which would add to the number of votes to server got. Just a thought, leave your thoughts down below and have a great day .
Support. It would give Titans a reason to vote, because apparently people only vote for prizes nowadays :D I don't think it should be anything too massive however, even if it's some money on the gamemodes, it would influence people to vote :D Maybe Rubies?
Does Cyp really have time to do that? This is a legitimate question as to if you think he does, I'm not sure if he has the time to see what top voter Titans message him and rank upgrade the people they tell him to.
Not at the moment. Titans who get Top Voter don't message him and ask him to upgrade whoever they want. Does he have time to listen to all the Titans who get top voter?
Yes they do lol!! Ik a friend that made that last month. I sent a mail to cyp asking that and he said sure so..