1.9 will ruin Mineverse, look how many members quit when it updated from 1.7 to 1.8 if it goes to 1.9 MV will lose more players... I enjoy 1.9, it's handy but when it's on a server like Mineverse with terrible hit detection anyway it'll basically ruin it.
Mineverse probably won't be updated for a while to 1.9 ... Officially. @Noobcrew did say that they might add a protocol hack that allows you 1.9 client users to join Mineverse, being a 1.8 server If you desperately want to play Mineverse, anytime soon, then switch back to 1.8 More information can be found here: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/mineverse-1-9.74437/
Click the Minecraft launcher, click edit profile, then click the tab that says 1.9 and switch to 1.8. It's the same way of his you changed to 1.9 in the first place, except you change back.