Most people already know but there are trading rooms ALREADY BUILT but HAVEN'T BEEN RELEASED there finished i don't get why we can't use them I've been in them they work but its very difficult to get in.
Hello! The Trade Rooms are having slight tweaks and fixes made to them. We have to test as many bugs and tweaks that might go wrong before the full release of the rooms. This could take a while, since on Mineverse we like to have the new plugin/item/structure fully checked, by I suppose it might be soon. Be a bit patient as the other members say and it soon should be released. Hope to see you more on Mineverse! -Delta ^_~
So yea, what you've been told above is wrong. Cypriot was building trading rooms, but Pistons were disabled so he couldn't complete it. (Complete as in open it) Everything's would have been working perfectly fine
Yeah, Please be patient he's not always there to answer. Anyways, hope your issue gets resolved soon!
I do not know the current status of the trading rooms, or if they're going to be opened at all, but as others have stated above; you'll have to be patient and just wait and see if they come. I'll be closing this as it appears TADS has answered your question as to why they were never opened.