Don't know you really well but you seem cool from the forums POV You're cool tbh, and you're there to talk to Kyle, you're one of my best friends on Mineverse, and you're always helping me and others with whatever they need. :> You're a coolio dude, I wish we could spend more time In game together
You've been one of my best friends on Mineverse for as long as I can remember You're very intuitive, Flazer, and I enjoy talking to you on Opprison I don't know you well but we can talk more like you said yeah? :>
I don't know you well enough, but you're really sweet on the forums, we should talk more One of the best role-models Mineverse has! Keep doing what you're doing Janice, keep your eyes to the sunshine like you told me Don't know you well, but you seem like a nice guy:p Cosmic, you've been around Mineverse almost as long as if not longer than I have, you're a really cool person and an even better friend! One of my closest friends on Mineverse, and you're there to talk to when I need to talk. Glad you're here torch