New Ban System The current Mineverse Ban System is bad :# Hackers keep hacking after getting ban. Like this guy @Reforming he has banned like 20 times... So here's my "Ban System" For Hacks: 1st Ban- 2 week 2nd Ban- 3 weeks 3rd Ban- 3 weeks 4th Ban- 1 Month After 4 Bans the player would get Permanent Ban. For Flame (Insults etc...) 1st Ban- 10 hours 2nd Ban- 1 day 3rd Ban- 3 days 4th Ban- 5 week 5th Ban- 1 week After 5 Bans the player would get Permanent Ban. For Ban Evade Permanent Ban but if the "Main" Account get unban the player can make a ban appeal for unban his smurf account. For Advertise 1st Ban- 1 month 2nd Ban- Permanent Ban For Share Personal Stuff (Skype, IP’s, Addresses, MV Info, IRL Info) 1st Ban- 1 month 2nd Ban- 2 months 3rd Ban- Permanent Ban For Blackmail1st Ban- 1 month 2nd Ban- 2 months 3rd Ban- Permanent Ban Drugs, Sexual Stuff... 1st attempt- 1-2 hour mute 2nd attempt- 1 day tempban "Exception: Porn sites, malware, torrents, real world laws, etc - 31 day ban" The other stuff you guys must think about it because Im too lazy to write all that.... If the player don't hack for 3 months the "ban level" will be reduced. READ THIS BEFORE COMMENTING SOME THING Mods would get a lot of work to see how many times the player has banned So for avoid that, Mods before closing the Report Thread they must write a code like #xfak10hackban #xfak10flameban So they could see every report quickly :D ►Warning◄ This is just a suggestion, feel free to share your ideas about this but don't rage/hate/insult. Thanks, xFaK10 Goodbye and as always, stay awesome Ah! Gayyyy! hahaha c:
This is actually a real good idea, but I don't support the new ban system. I personally think it is fine as it is.
Eh, make it stricter- If you are banned 5 times for hacking- Perm ban. They could always appeal, and they should've learnt their lesson anyway on their 3rd ban or something. Neutral