hi! this is a suggestion to add a new minigame Buildbattle, -_-_-How To Play-_-_- Every game have another theme, you have 5 mins to build something about the theme, After the 5 mins you get teleported to every1s plot. So you can vote on the plot: 'poop' 'bad' 'ok' 'nice' 'Great' 'fabless' 'OMG fancy' Whe Every1 Has Voted, the guy with the most votes Wins! Everyone gets an amount in rubies, how more votes you have, how more rubies!
I like this idea, it's also very popular on other big servers, but I'll say neutral. Mineverse has enough gamemodes at the moment.
No support. Mineverse Minigames Lobby's are always empty.. Its too late to add Build Battle, nobody plays that now.. Its too hard to make the plugin