Ok so I was buying rank Supreme and i was waiting for the sign to like reload or something to get my prefix back. I was rank freeman before. No im rank D and i cant rank up at all. I clicked the sign but it wont let me. I even click the c sign and it said i cant do that. Idk whats going on but I really want my rank free back. And im scared to get God now since i lost free. Can someone please help me? Thanks for reading and I hope someone can help me get my freeman rank back.
Don't be scared to rank up to God. If you are going to rankup, I would go ahead and rankup to God now. Then, when you get the rankup finished, send an email to [email protected] with your proof of both your purchased rank, as well as your free-man rank. They can help you get it fixed up.
I'm pretty sure there is a series of signs in the shop area containing the different ranks on prison. If you click on the rank you lost (freeman), your rank will be restored.
Email [email protected] with your donor problems, then wait patiently for a reply. Follow this also ^^
Occasionally, something happens and the signs don't work, which is what happened in this case. No idea what makes them work and what makes the glitch happens.
The evidence of you being free man isn't enough to me, you have to have a screenshot of you talking in chat with your Free-Man prefix, that way we know it's you and not someone who gave you the screenshot.