In a game of Bedwars I happened to notice a hacker. They go by the name of Infinity_Mika and they clearly have Anti Knock back, No slow, and Kill Aura. If you see in the video someone had hit her and she did not get knocked back which means she could get shot by a bow and it wouldn't affect her at all. With the kill aura she went walking around killing 3 people at the same time as you see in the video she instantly turned around and killed the person without even looking. With No slow she was able to run and eat at the same time making it difficult for people to get her also with a bow and no slow she would be able to run with a bow. Here is the video link to show how Infinity_Mika hacks. Please do something about her so others can enjoy the game. Thank you for your attention. ~Max1719
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I need Infinity_Mika banned on Lobby 1 for 3 days for hacks please @Pile_of_Butts @Nanurz @AmazingFireGirl