So it's that time of year where you are a complete loner who farts in bed and doesn't get up because his legs are made out of sticks. And you are so lonely, you want someone by you. HERE ARE EASY STEPS TO GET A GIRLFRIEND. 1. Go find a girl. The best choice is to go on a secure-safe dating website. I would recommend a website like this: 2. Get to know her... or him. I recommend talking about your personal life, such as how you bathe in the bathroom or how you clean your butt. Also ask the person questions like... -Fist me, daddy. -Come here sugar daddy. -I want you to make me yours. -I want me to make you mine. -Watch me whip. Now watch me Nae Nae. -You are sooooo fine. -21. soooo funnie 3. Answers to questions your date would say. -You look gorgeous says date. You: WHY THE **** YOU LYING. WHY YOU ALWAYS LYINNNNNN. -How is the food? says date. You: Gotta use the restroom because it's crap. *LMAO GET IT????* -It's been wonderful having a date like you. says date. You: I hate you too. <3 -I LOVE YOU. says date. You: k. 4. GET TO THE HIGHEST LEVEL OF DATE. Level 1. Meet Level 2. Talk Level 3. Hug Level 4. Kiss Level 5. Break up. 5. Go to somewhere nice when taking a date. I recommend Chucky's Big Nose Cheese -Great pizza -Great kids who love picking their nose -Great prizes -Ugly Mouse Logo I recommend McDonalds -Great nuggets -Creepy clown *aka* rudolph I recommend the best out of all three: Dumpster -FREE FOOD -GREAT SMELL -FREE STUFF -GREAT TOYS TO BRING YOUR BROTHERS OR SOMETHING -24/7 SERVICE. NEVER RUN OUT OF FOOD AND SHET. -Clean Water 999. I recommend a doll as a girlfriend/boyfriend.