Hey there fellow Minecraftians.I am Ichidna.I am posting this to say that today is... THE OFFICIAL RELEASE OF EPICSHIRE! I can't wait for people to start entering and joining my town.Although my town is still a WIP[Work In Progress].I would be happy to accept suggestions from you guys and it would help me alot in my construction of new ideas. Here are some photos of my town Spawn area Shop area Sunken Ship Exloration A parkour course conatining 8 levels And many more to come! Pls leave behind suggestions for my town!Thx guys! Made with Team Mineverse!
Please READ use this to increase your chances!Or Simply ask me in survival Answer the following questions if your using the forum to join Question in blue I will ask in the server as well.Answer truthfully or I will find the truth myself 1.Are you above 12?(Tendancies are the younger u are the more playful,might lead to griefing) 2.Have you been kicked or Selected as a "Wanted player" from/by a town before? 3.Do you have any records of griefing other players?Or betraying? 4.What server rank are you? 5.Why do you want to join EpicShire? 6.Have you ever been banned from the server mod for griefing or hacking? 7.Do you own a town? 8.Are you friendly to other players or allied towns? 9.What would you do if EpicShire is griefed or in trouble?
Official Town Info. Any people fromsurvival,creative or future server can use this template.Its my way to give you all tours Name:EpicShire (ES for short) What Biome is it in?Desert Popularity:15(3 No houses) Town Type eg.Futuristic etc:Medievel based on mmorpgs Special Types of buildings:Fort Corelia,Beacon based emerald Spawn area,Sunken Ship,Lighthouse.parkour,more to come Owner:[Titan]Ichidna [God] havoc3421 Co-Owners:[Titan] Inked_Cat [Elite]Imperial_Mint [God]Kubasliz the Nub Head Admin/Senior Admin:Twix_PB Head Mod/Senior Mod: Lochie52 Admins:MrSnapper12,bluel1ghtn1ng,KiwiKat,Boweman,Ignacyrokos Mods:Dopey_Crafter,sitzuom1,AlphaMineron, Ranks: Peasent 2k Militia 4k Knight 8k Crusader 16k Emperor 48k Mythic 80k Heroic 120k Leave by any suggestions it will help keep the town alive and leave nice comments thank you for reading