Everybody is usually serious about their mod applications. But sometimes you have to joke around. ~Rules~ 1. Make the most absurd mod application (Don't make it long) 2. Don't spam. 3. Have fun! :D Here's my Mod Application: My IGN: TheRealScorvix123 (I'm sorry I had to :p) What language to you speak? I SPEAK ALL Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? I HAVE ALL THE MEANS! Why do you think you should become a mod? bc I'm cool and i respect ppl cool- im cool when there r fights awesome- im fun honest- im always honest sweg- im very swag Have you even been banned? WELL NO. im awesome How long can you be active on the server every day? 24/7 How long have you been playing Mineverse? about 20 yEarS!!!!!11
IGN: syuchgurfdenglish What language do you speak?: im british Mod: I shud be a mod bc i am epic and everyone loves me. epic- everyone loves me. i think thats enough reason. Banned: yeah i still hack i have kill aura and aimbot and loads of other things. active: 10 seconds a day thats way longer than anyone else. mineverse: since yesterday when it opened.
IGN: XxXDolphinRiderXxX What language does your simple mind have the ability to speak? Portsmouth. Do you have the ability to record bandits? Dolphins actually have built in Cameras. Kinda how I see my kid. Why do you think you should become mod alongside others? Because I greatly think a server as beautiful and amazing and friendly and outstanding as this one has a safe future and I want to be there alongside it to keep it secure. I can feed everybody fish and arrange them to meet Dolphins. I can also order some Dolphins to play with and create a family. I also have a stupidly unbelievable amount of John Cena in my basket alongside a few Thomas the Thug Engines. I also have a wife, @ShannonTheBurger, who can take over for me if I am busy loving Dolphins or doing something else. I will gladly alongside others devote my entire life to this server and I will work to the best of my adolphity to accomplish work. I will gladly leave my life, friends, and social life behind. Have you ever acquired any bans? Yes, simply by telling the truth. People can't handle the truth. Truth. How long can you be active on this outstanding, community friendly server? Since I've just signed away my life, 24/7. I have a bucket under my chair for the typical human needs, and my mum can escort food up the stairs for me.
How old are you? im 24 Your in-game name: XxXXXxxxXxxMLGxGAmErxProxxxXXxXxxxXXxxXXxx What timezone are you in? american time zone What country do you live in? american What languages do you speak? im rly good at english and my made up langage Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc) ya i have a camra Why do you think you should become a mod? becaus im rly good at baning peple and my app has colors How long can you be active on the server everyday? 25/7 How long have you been playing Mineverse? 4 years Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game) no im a good boi Do you have any past experience as a moderator? ya