1. Advertise 2. Hack 3. Scam 4. DDoS 5. Grief 6. Spam 7. Chargeback 8. Faking proof 9. Spamming some more. 10. Spam the owners asking for op. 11. Scream in everyone's ears. 12. Name a sword "The Ban Hammer" and try killing everyone with it. 13. Swear 14. Use the "Planet Minecraft" scam. 15. Wear an inappropriate skin. 16. Make a dirt house. 17. Trap everyone. 18. Tell a lie. 19. Be a homophobic. 20. Harass people. 21. Ban the owner. 22. Poorly cut a tree. 23. Have MC Sex. 24. Hack some more. 25. Be a hypocrite. 26. At like a 6 year old. 27. Have an annoying laugh. 28. Steal @TheSugarCane's sugar cane. 29. Eat cake. 30. Pretend you saw Herobrine. 31. Pretend to be Herobrine. 32. Delete the server. 33. Steal @TeamTyler's yogurt. 34. Bypass boarer limits. 35. Sudo people. 36. Sit on the owner. 37. Punch a kangaroo. 38. Use mob disguise. 39. Change your username to something rude. 40. Pretend to be Notch. 41. AFK 42. Blow up the server spawn. 43. Ruin all the plugins. 44. Lick a cactus. 45. Pretend to be Katniss in the Hunger Games and yell "CAT-PISS EVERDEEN HERE TO WIN!" 46. Make a deadly roller coaster. 47. Be a noob. 48. Be a pro. 49. Advertise your YouTube channel, pretend to be advertising Mineverse, but advertise another server. 50. Beat @CypriotMerks in CS:GO 51. Steal someones stuff. 52. Create a MC strip club and be a stripper. 53. Constantly ship Noobcrew and Cypriotmerks 54. Change all the textures on the server to lava and scare everyone. 55. Advertise jumpscares and other dangerous sites. 56. Spam random symbols. Or spam some more. 57. Draw inappropriate things in chat. 58. Make a forums account. 59. Ask the owner for money. 60. Demote Cypriotmerks :t: 61. Hack the owner. 62. Steal the pancakes. 63. Use an asshat. 64. Be me. 65. Find loopholes for everything. 66. Cry that you don't know what bedrock is and spam why it can't be broken and what even is it. 67. Bypass "sucking" so it doesn't say "slurping" on creative. 68. Drown 69. Joke about 69. 70. Make a piss-take of your favorite movie. 71. Troll some more. 72. Advertise some more. 73. Set everyone's skins to a naked man skin. 74. Win the 74th Hunger Games 75. Skip #76 76.Ignore #75 77. Laugh because some people are idiots. 78. Complain that you cannot make bridges with gravel. 79. Throw a flower at someone's face and call it a hug. 80. Be an idiot. 81. Be perverted. 82. Sleep in the nether. 83. Make an emerald pickaxe. 84. Marry the owner and kill him. 85. Design the server so everyone thinks Herobrine is invading. 86. Delete OPFactions, Factions, Prison, OPPrison and Survival. 87. Build somebody a castle then make it get rekt. 88. Fly during PvP. 89. Spam for a MC girlfriend. 90. Ruin someones birthday. 91. Remove the /ban command. 92. Remove all the commands. 93. Disable chat forever but bypass it. 94. Bypass commands you cannot do. 95. Get lots of alts and troll. 96. Explode your computer. 97. Encourage bullying. 98. Disable your minecraft account. 99. Steal someone's username. 100. Promote spam. 101. Read this again as you weren't paying attention. This is a joke