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  • NA ☽ Rodeen's| Moderator|Application ☾

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Rodeen, Feb 19, 2016.

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    1. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Hello everyone! It's me Rodeen, and I am here to be trying again for the position as moderator. A couple of weeks ago I did something very rude and wrong to someone I loved, and of course it was about minecraft, I apologized to her and now we are closer than before. I feel as though I have changed in these past weeks. Slowly I am trying to return to my old self and hopefully I am capable to have this role as moderator.
      Let's get this show on the road, shall we?
      This is me, when ever you want to find me I will most likely be on OpPvP or KitPvP!


      How old are you?

      I am fifteen years old, turning sixteen mid March.

      Your in-game name?
      My IGN is Rodeen, in the past it has been rodeen10.

      What timezone are you in?

      Pacific time zone (PST)

      Do you use two step verification?
      Yes, I have been using 2fa ever since my forums account was hacked a while back, ever since I have been super secure and had no issues.

      What country do you live in?

      United States of America.

      What languages do you speak?
      English and fluent Farsi.

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes, I have recently gotten a new computer and it records non-laggy high quality videos! I also have Gyazo for taking screenshots which will be up within two seconds.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?

      Modding for a server is close to having a real job, you sign up to do something you cannot just turn around and say I can't do this anymore (you can but thats lame). I have seen that we might need a couple more mods that actually know the commands, and how to get the job done! Mineverse has given me so many amazing opportunities to try new things, becoming a mod will give me even more. I have some how managed to become friends with most of the mods and working alongside them would be like a dream. I already know most of the commands and rules because I have been watching my friends get mentored, the commands are pretty self explanatory. /tempban 31d <reason>, /mute <length>. Mineverse is only growing as a community and having more mods would be a big help! I also know hacks VERY well, I'm going to be honest and tell you that I used to hack, therefor I can spot them easily. Well moderators are here to help and keep the server hack free! I’ve been seeing a lot of hackers and since I’m an active reporter I will be on and recording all the time! I enjoy assisting people if they need something this is why I've been called a mini mod many times! I guarentee you that I will try my best to make Mineverse a fair server for all these users to have fun and a place where rule breakers are not allowed.

      Honestly, I don't think I am as mature as I used to be, I know a mod needs to meet certain standards of maturity. I am working on accomplishing this and hopefully I will one day be mature enough to handle this. I am super crazy but when it comes to certain situations I can sit down and be mature about it, I'm sure its the same with the mods here.

      The second year I started playing minecraft I finally got mod on another server, which was a beta server called Minevine. I have kept a couple of my friends from there and they followed me over to Mineverse, that server has been closed for a couple of months and talking to the owner it does not look like it will be reopened. This server was a factions/survival game (universe). I was also mod on @CotnerM's server and I got trained by having JewishDonut teach me all the commands!

      I am a very confident person, I have learned to deal with hate through out the past couple of weeks and I have learned to not let it get to me! Mods who can handle hate are usually the ones who last, alot of the mods who have resigned have left because of "school issues" but when you talk to them they say that it was too stressful and the amount of hate you get is unbelievable.

      I am very responsible when it comes to things like this, I don't forget to do a job when I need to do it, and I don't try to do anything wrong, mistakes happen and people need to learn that if you make a mistake it isn't the end of the world.

      I am very friendly to people in my opinion, others say I'm mean and others say I'm disrespectful. I have learned to take criticism into my own hands and actually try to fix that mistake if I was ever mean and or disrespectful to that user. Mineverse has some people I am not going to give names here but they could be mean and you just need to learn not to care what others think, on the other hand mods cannot ignore people and they need to care what people tell them so I am working on those as well and so far I think I have come a long way.

      I have not been very honest in the past and I know this, but these past weeks I have changed. I am not lying anymore and I am trying to be as honest and truthful as I can be. Lying ruined my chances big time in the past and I do not want that to happen again, lots of people here know about my past and I do not want it to affect me this time. So yes, I have tried to stop with all these lies and be nothing but honest.

      I love to help people of all different ages, and helping by doing something I love would be amazing. Being a mod will give me many opportunities to help out! I give tons of advice to people when they need it and when someone asks a question I try nothing but to give them the right answer.

      I am very active, now that my basketball season has ended I am even more active. I spend a lot of my day on this server, I am on OpPvP the most but I am working on the other gamemodes, there is a large variety and I do not play many of them as much as I used to because they have either become buggy or need a bit of improvement. I am making threads for those to be fixed sometime soon.

      For everyone who said I'm bias, I have come to the fact and I have realized I can be a bit biased time to time and I am working on fixing it, can't everyone be biased at some points? Favoring people over others is just wrong and it will not happen again.

      Most of the time when I'm on Mineverse I am either pvping or recording hackers. When my friend comes to me and needs advice or some care I stop what ever it is I'm doing and help them. Care isn't a trait found in many people, because this is a game. You usually need to dig deep into someone to actually see if they care what you're saying or even care about you but in this case you don't need to I show it when I talk and type.

      Most of MV has seen the good side of me, but people here on forums have not exactly seen that side. I am working on becoming a sweet little angel again. I dont think it will be easy, I do not intend on being that typical girl applying for mod and is two faced, I want people to see the real me and that is not the person you have been dealing with for the past month or two. So since the point you read this I am currently being helped by a friend to improve upon myself!

      As most of you know I am a very fast typer and I can get a job done correctly very quick! I always have my screen recorder up (I will start doing reports again shortly). A mod who is quick could come in handy because when other mods arent available you could help someone and them help someone else right away.

      I used to be very calm in situation and about a month ago I became this toxic girl and I turned everyone down and I would panic in alot of situations and think its the end of the world, but no I found it calming to make people upset. I have recently learned to have a heart again and care about other peoples feelings and learn to take situations in the best way possible and realize it will be okay!
      How long can you be on the server everyday?
      Sunday: 7-8 hours maximum.
      Monday: 4-5 hours
      Tuesday: 5-6 hours
      Wednesday: 5-6 hours
      Thursday: 4-5 hours
      Friday: 6-7 hours
      Saturday: 7-8 hours

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I have been playing Mineverse for almost three years, it will be three years in March. (It was my first server)
      I joined the forums on September 11th and I know what most of you are going to think, how did you get Well known member in six months, well I've had some issues with rate abuse and people did it on me, I made an alt and liked some of my own posts and that has gotten me about 100 positive raitings. I know that was unfair of me to do but at the time I wanted active member. But when I realized how close I was to WKM I did it again, I know it was wrong and I dont do that anymore. It was a stupid idea of mine, I should have learnt to get it legit.

      Have you ever been banned in the past?
      I have been banned on Archer Pvp for glitch abuse, I thought that the glitch has been taken care of but no it was still there. For all you Archer players who know what this is! I got banned for spastics. I have been banned on OpPvP for two days, reason being staff disrespect and I understand why I was banned, I was being very rude and thats all because of the hackers I didnt have my recorder up and died.
      I have also been banned on forums twice, one being rate abuse and I know it was a horrible choice of mine but I wasnt in the best mood and I did it. I was banned the second time for posting a screamer as my status, I realize now there are minors on this server and that could scare them as there are adults here who also get scared. I apologize. (Edit) I was also perm lobby muted and I still dont know the reason, I mute evaded to figure out why and that lead to a lobby ban, although I was unbanned several hours later! It was false but it's still a ban.

      My past:
      Okay, I have not had the best past on Mineverse Ingame and on Forums, and this is because of the hate I used to get, I'm used to getting cyberbullied on MV and my closest friends know this. I know the community here is sweet but sometimes you find this group of people and you feel like you're walking down a back alley way on some street! you just feel so unsafe, thats how I felt for a couple of weeks, causing me to go through SLIGHT depression which caused my horrific attitude and sass. I am sorry about that, it was explained in my apology thread.


      I have worked so hard to try and come back and come strong these past few weeks and even though I closed my other application a week or two ago I would absolutely love your new thoughts on me and please don't write no support without a reason! All of the traits stated above are being worked on as you read this! I know I said I won't be posting a new app for a month or two I have been working on this for a couple days now and I think its done. So please don't leave a comment like you said this or you said that.
      Thank you all for taking the time into reading my new application!


      ./mute (player) (length)
      ./tempban (player) (length)
      ./kick (player)
      ./God (Works on pretty much everything besides ArcherPvP)
      ./ban is a command but Global moderators don't have access to perm ban only head mod and above.


      Last edited: May 7, 2016
    2. Tepig4321

      Tepig4321 Well-Known Member

      Sep 14, 2015
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      I mean it
      No joke
    3. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Support. You're clearly an active member and you took time in writing your application which is brilliant. Good luck! :D
      Last edited: Feb 19, 2016
    4. GenyS

      GenyS Guest

      Wait can I ask why did you close your last mod app?
      Anyways support.
    5. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Thank you both!

      I closed my last mod app because I want new opinions, I had so many supports but people might not feel the same way anymore. I made a new application because it was much easier then getting back to everyone and asking if they still support me or not! Do you get what I'm saying? it's confusing.
      Thanks for the support!
    6. Shireen

      Shireen Well-Known Member

      Sep 13, 2015
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    7. Coastic

      Coastic Boss Member

      Jul 1, 2014
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      Support. :)
    8. RoboticDuck155

      RoboticDuck155 Active Member

      Nov 8, 2014
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      BLAZExSTORM Experienced Member

      Jul 26, 2014
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      Support! you would make an amazing mod! goodluck :D
    10. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      lol bold ur titles I thought I taught you better
    11. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Thanks everyone <3
      Is this better? :)
    12. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      We've been friends for along while and despite we've had a few arguments recently I'm still going to support you; you're perfect for the position Rodeen.
    13. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Add me back on skype you nub <3
      Thanks for the support! :)
    14. ImJustAndrew

      ImJustAndrew Boss Member

      Oct 26, 2015
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      Thanks Ily, I'll do it when I get home from school, I'm in Science class right now #Rebel <3
    15. Smiley

      Smiley Legendary Member

      Aug 31, 2014
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    16. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      where's the past experience part
    17. babyboynitro

      babyboynitro Experienced Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      100% support. People make mistakes and that's okay. Support Rodeen. <3
    18. TiggyX19

      TiggyX19 Experienced Member

      Jul 22, 2014
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      Neutral. I love this app, and it is very detailed, but I have never seen you Ingame.
    19. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Thank you so much!
      Here you go :)

      Thank you! If I ever see you ingame I will make sure to say hai :)
    20. Kyaaaal

      Kyaaaal Legendary Member

      Sep 5, 2014
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      Best of luck, Rodeen. You know where I stand.
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