So... people say I create way too many threads on off-topic. Well guess what? I don't give two ****s, so go home. Also, people say I am optimistic asfaq (aka call me high). Well guess what? IF I WANT TO BE HIGH. I WILL BE HIGH. #DEALWITHIT2016 People think that I cuss too much. I ain't cussing if I censor the cuss word amirite. Fine. I guess I am cussing. Well guess what? This game is rated E10+, for people 10 and up. SO DEAL WITH IT, UNLESS YOUR 4. COME AT ME. People think I spend way too much time on Mineverse. Well guess what? I don't play Minecraft anymore. Rekt. I get called a Attention-(insert word here.) You're right. Well guess what? IF I WANT VIEWS, I GET VIEWS. All my threads are click-baits. Nah. If I wanted to make a clickbait, then you would already be clicking on it.
xD Tbh this thread is lyf. Just like I don't give a sh** about what you say! BIATHC! (I did that on purpose) Also, who cares how many threads you make?