Requirements => Skype? => IGN (In-Game Name) => Age? (Can be Said Privately) => Rank? If so.. => 2 Reasons or More Why You Would Like to Join. => Are You Decent in the PvP Department? => Good Sportsmanship? (Example: GG, GF) Ranking System - Leader - Co-Leader - Trusted Member - Member - Recruit Roster *Pxtchy (Leader) Allied Clans *Sykro Format to Apply IGN - (Insert here) Skype - (Msged Privatley) Age - (Msged Privately) Rank - Reasons Why You Would Like To Join - Good Sportsmanship - (Yes Or No) Decent In The PvP Department - (Scale: 1 - 10) If You Would Like To Have A Clan War, Please Contact @Pxtchy To Set Up The War.
You are Right. Me and IloveKyra or King are the true owners of this clan. Can you please close this clan recruitment. King and I do not want old members trying to take the clan.
Doubtful anyone wants to join. I recommend closing this instead of trying to recreate, and steal, the Syn Clan. There are many Syn clans, but the original owners are the original owners. Do not try to steal their clan. Do not apply here anyone, the correct place to apply for the Syn Clan is here:♕-syn-clan-♕.69160/ Thank you.
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