Hello, I just made an online purchase of USD$20 under my username chuck657. However, after the transaction was successful , I was unable to see the credits added to my account. I have noticed that the credit has been applied to another username instead of mine. Can i have this rectified please ? Thx Regards chuck657
Send an email to mineverse support @ [email protected] and give them your in-game name, transaction identification number, and what rank.
Hey there. Send an Email with all your proof to [email protected] and wait patiently. Also, I don't think BuyCraft allows you to input the wrong name, so it's unlucky somebody has a similar name to you :O Also, the Owners can check all transactions made to all usernames and billing addresses, so hopefully the issue should be able to be handled for you ;) Please be patient, as the Owners are very busy people
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