Ok guys, this is kind of wierd but I went up to my sister's room to look for the Nutella, because it was pancake day. I found a book on her desk and I assumed it was a book because it said 'My story' on the front. I flicked to the page with the bookmark on and read the first sentence. My self harm has been lessening, but ever since (My sister's friend's name that I won't put for other reasons) said that to me I can't handle it anymore, I want to die. My sister got a boyfriend about a week ago, but her friend liked him, but he didn't like her back.. AWKWARD> But I want to help her, it said her smile was fake, THE BOOK HAD BLOOD ON IT! Please, help. I don't know how to help her.
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Well that is kind of scary. I kind of had the same thing when I found MY sister's diary. I would talk to her first. She might get mad at you for reading it, but your relationship wont die and she might tell you (or not). If she screams at you and after a few days is still not talking to you I would advise talking to your parents. They probably will either get mad or will start crying (or do nothing if they don't care). They will probably talk to your sister and after awhile she will tell them everything. If her friend is the cause of all this I would advise getting a sniper rifle and waiting for her to head to school and take her down, thus ending all problems. If this is not your style I would tell her friend to back off whatever she is doing and tell her you put cameras on your sister's body parts and belongings and say you are always watching. After you do this and is still doesn't work I would advise listening to @Thnyan559 and calling the authorities. Just my advice and I hope it helps. PS: I am sorry about that Skype call. You have to admit it was a little funny but I am still sorry. -xXShadowSlayerXx The Alpha Shadow Slayer
Asking if 'Are you feeling suicidal Budder? Cause if you are, COOL!' Totally funny. But anyway. My sister cut before and told my parents so they're always supporting, but her friend always causes trouble... And if I said anything to my sister I would get thrown down the stairs, or she would lock me out and never speak again. P.S It's not funny to tease someone over suicidal thoughts.
This is something you need to take to your parents immediately, not post about here. No if, ands, or buts about it, tell them now!
I'm afraid, that it's not like that. Because it happened before, and they knew, they can't do anything.
If she is a threat to herself or others, she needs to be admitted into the hospital. I've been there done that with children that I have fostered in the past. It is not something to play around with.
I'm confused, is this a joke? Blood on a book? If this is a joke, don't joke about suicide. Lots of people die from it and their family gets hurt. If this isn't a joke, tell your parents.
If her parents would care as much about her, to listen what she says. I know Char really good, and I've been told stuff, which I didn't really believe myself. I kept thinking it would be some kind of attention seeking. But this has gone serious, definetly. I hope you the best, Char. EDIT: Excuse me for the passed things, that were happening in past.
People still use diarys? Anyways dude if the book was in the condition and state you need to tell someone and fast! Have you seen any changes in the way she acts?