Support: - You're a very nice person - You're very respectful You have this in you! I hope you'll get promoted, good luck! :D
i will add more to my application, and increase activity on forums, thank you for feedback, i appreciate very much.
100% support. Though you may not be as active in some gamemodes currently, the one you are(skyblock), you have proved yourself to be immensely mature, and helpful towards ALL players, not just those with ranks. I believe that behavior would translate easily once you become more active on the other gamemodes. Good luck!
Absolute support. For those who say you don't see him in game, I do a lot. The time frame I see him play in is the time frame where, I believe, we could use more mods (which is when some players are asleep; Americans mainly). Always helpful to other players, mature, and very fair to all.
I see you alot on Skyblock,but being active on alot of other gamemodes is also important. I am going neutral for now. Good luck though ;) ~AgentBigtoe